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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Reged: 19/02/07
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muzzle energy--fact or fiction
      03/07/07 04:26 AM

Read a article in one of this months hunting magazines by Kevin Robertson--in which he has some rather interesting ideas.. he states that muzzle energy is a very poor measure of ballistic performance... as an example he notes the Weatherby calibers-as they generally do not have a stellar reputation in Africa... he notes that most can not handle the excessive recoil of these cartridges and really offer no ballistic advantage on dangerous game..

To further demonstrate his point, he suggests that a 404 Jeffrey shooting a 400 gr bullet at 2150 has a muzzel energy of about 4000--where as a .375 H&H shooting a 300 gr bullet at 2500 has similar muzzle energy--further he states that if you had a device to shoot a 40 gr aspirin at 6800 fps it would also have 4000 foot pounds of energy...

Mr Robertson feels a much more accurate determination on the bullets effect on game is using a formula by a well known ballistican named Thatcher--who used bullet frontal surface area along with momentum for his Relative Stopping Values theory---another similar but not as accurate method was John Taylors KO factor which used a bullets momentum value and multiplied it by its diameter in inches.

Using the two later examples of measure it has shown that using a bullet heavy for caliber such as a 380 gr bullet in a 375 H&H traveling 2200 fps actually has a greater effect on game than a 375 Ultra Mag traveling 2750 fps with a 300 gr bullet..

To further substantiate his point he states that Norma is now loading their new ammo line called the "African PH" in heavy for caliber bullets after their ballisticians ran the tests...

Thought this shed some light on the whole muzzle energy idea...and makes for an interesting read--

Thank you


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* muzzle energy--fact or fiction Ripp 03/07/07 04:26 AM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction allenday   12/07/07 04:06 AM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction Tatume   12/07/07 05:26 AM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction DarylS   13/07/07 12:16 AM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction 9.3x57   13/07/07 01:28 AM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction Tatume   03/07/07 09:30 PM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction Ripp   04/07/07 12:27 PM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction Plains99   10/07/07 12:35 AM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction DarylS   10/07/07 01:32 AM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction SAHUNT   10/07/07 04:58 AM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction TilleyMan   10/07/07 09:27 PM
. * * Re: muzzle energy--fact or fiction Ripp   10/07/07 09:42 PM

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