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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ?
      08/06/07 10:38 PM


Ripp, Hoppdoc isn't throwing rocks at you. Certainly there are hunters that keep fit. I would place myself among that group and sounds like you and your crowd are too.

But as you say, the population at-large { } over-50, and indeed, in all age groups according to much material out there, IS overweight, and hunters are among that population, making hunters, yes, on average, clearly overweight. Who can deny that? A stroll in the woods after opening day puts all arguments to rest...

Due to the occupations common in my area, there is stark contrast between the fitness level of local men and men in larger population centers, our local guys in-general being some of the fittest you will find. But Idaho statistics demonstrate a clear, steady and unhealthy gain in average weight over the last 18 years {last statistics I saw were c. 1990-2005}. This effects hunters, too, and relevant to the topic at-hand, impacts hunting style and methods BIG TIME. This is particularly true I suspect with some of the many immigrants to our state who spent their work lives elsewhere and now, retiring in their 50's, want a piece of ground a few years to "enjoy" what our great state has to offer in the hunting fields.

But all-too-often {and it is everywhere proven in hunting season}, this "enjoyment" takes place on/in a vehicle.

The serious crisis as I see it is in our schools where the average weight of schoolkids has grown and represents a serious longterm health concern, not to mention, again, an effect on hunting culture in areas where hunting is part of the culture.

It is true, there are still left wiry, rangy types that wear out their boots before their boots wear them out. You, your buddies, me, my family and many others exist, but that is not the general trend, and indeed, it is IMO from what I see, the clear exception.

As far as methods go, my own opinion is that while I have no problem with stand hunting or the use of bait or any other locally-accepted and legal method, there ARE methods of hunting that represent an achievement or total effort that is greater than that used in other methods. Scoring trophy heads does not measure this achivement. Scoring trophy heads is interesting in that just about everybody enjoys seeing a big rack/horns, etc but it would be desireable in my opinion if some method could be devised to clearly rank the physical challenge of a hunt. I admit that such a scoring is probably a pipedream due to a whole host of reality-issues, but IMO if we we hunters want to present the best face of hunting to the non-hunting population, physical prowess and fair-chase would both {they are not necessarily the same thing} be of service in that effort.

I also want to encourage anyone reading this thread who feels motivated to make a positive lifestyle change to do so! Yes, the thought of daily exercise may be intimidating, but the results are worth it! See your Doc, make a plan, start slow and just watch how it changes your appreciation of the hunt and the activities you are thus able to enjoy!

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* Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Kalunga 27/05/07 11:20 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? AdamTayler   02/06/07 01:31 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? 9.3x57   06/06/07 11:34 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? hoppdoc   07/06/07 08:20 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Ripp   08/06/07 12:26 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? hoppdoc   08/06/07 09:18 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Ripp   08/06/07 09:41 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? 9.3x57   08/06/07 10:38 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Ripp   09/06/07 04:16 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Kalunga   09/06/07 03:36 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Ripp   09/06/07 04:18 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Kalunga   09/06/07 04:47 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? hoppdoc   09/06/07 09:09 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Ripp   10/06/07 01:46 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Kalunga   07/06/07 05:08 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? jorge   07/06/07 05:45 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? 9.3x57   07/06/07 06:16 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Ripp   28/05/07 12:03 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? hoppdoc   28/05/07 08:33 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? xausa   28/05/07 04:59 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? hoppdoc   28/05/07 07:45 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? 500grains   28/05/07 11:56 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Marty   29/05/07 12:43 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Plains99   30/05/07 06:52 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Kalunga   30/05/07 08:27 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? xausa   31/05/07 11:32 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? NE450No2   31/05/07 03:04 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? NitroXAdministrator   31/05/07 04:13 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? NE450No2   31/05/07 04:58 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? NitroXAdministrator   31/05/07 06:19 PM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? 500grains   29/05/07 12:47 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? Marty   28/05/07 12:05 AM
. * * Re: Buffalos : what kind of trophy hunter are You ? shakari   28/05/07 02:08 AM

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