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Reged: 02/03/06
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Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or?
      14/03/06 10:59 AM

Yes, today is pouring rain and mighty dark... looks like another day for trials.

Yes, daryl, I do want to make this gun a gun that I can confidently use on any big game. Dangerous or not so dangerous. And since my interests in hunting now are definitely close range: 60 yards max, (20 or less being optimal) I am seeing more and more that a big double barrel 12 gauge SLUG is truly a lethal weapon. More than ever, I do want to start loading my own slugs. Just from my "testing" yesterday I saw quite a range of differnces from 4 different types of slugs and loads. I would have really liked to have also checked for depth and deformation, and force of impact would be another. I wonder if there is a "force of impact" rig I could set up. Something like a polymer pad that absorbs the shot with a tensi-o-meter to measure the impact force. I think penetration depth and force and expansion are the three big factors I would need to measure in order research this and come up with measured "results"... Other than hunting and shooting things blam dead preferably in one shot, but yes that second available shot is great insurance.

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* Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000 03/03/06 08:12 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? srose   08/03/06 02:28 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   04/03/06 05:18 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? tinker   03/03/06 12:33 PM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   04/03/06 05:02 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? BlainSmipy   05/03/06 11:03 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   07/03/06 06:18 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? bonanza   04/03/06 05:32 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   04/03/06 05:53 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? doublegunfan   04/03/06 07:12 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   04/03/06 07:40 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   04/03/06 08:09 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? 8x56mn   07/03/06 06:40 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   07/03/06 08:41 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? 8x56mn   08/03/06 12:30 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   08/03/06 03:07 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? 8x56mn   08/03/06 05:06 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   08/03/06 05:24 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   04/03/06 10:32 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? doublegunfan   11/03/06 10:08 PM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   14/03/06 03:32 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? doublegunfan   14/03/06 06:09 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   14/03/06 07:13 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   14/03/06 10:59 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   14/03/06 05:15 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   05/03/06 04:43 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? 8x56mn   04/03/06 05:21 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? bonanza   03/03/06 09:20 AM

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