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Reged: 07/05/03
Posts: 2210
Loc: Queensland Australia
Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain tease
      28/02/06 02:41 PM

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Has anybody had a similar experience? Can anybody explain what was going on with this rifle?

Yes, I've had a couple of doubles do strange things not exactly the same as you describe, but along the same lines.

With your 300 it sounds to me like the lighter bullet- faster velocity loads are effecting the barrel movement to a greater degree than the slower 200 grain load.
Call it "regulation energy" for want of a better term where there is more of it (in your 300) with the lighter bullet weights than the heavier ones.
The old "barrel time" system of working up loads often goes right out the window with the smaller doubles IMO.
With faster cartridges in doubles, I think bullet acceleration speed down the bore can have more influence on where the bullet impact ends up than the barrel time/bullet weight system which usually plays a major part in many large cal moderate velocity doubles.

Edited by 4seventy (28/02/06 03:33 PM)

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* Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain tease CptCurlAdministrator 26/02/06 05:05 AM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain tease 4seventy   28/02/06 02:41 PM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain tease Grizzly   27/02/06 10:32 AM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain t bonanza   26/02/06 10:25 AM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain t 500Nitro   26/02/06 11:31 AM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain t tinker   26/02/06 04:35 PM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain t 500Nitro   26/02/06 05:26 PM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain t tinker   26/02/06 08:23 PM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain t 500Nitro   26/02/06 10:09 PM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain t ChopperGuy   27/02/06 03:10 AM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain t 500Nitro   27/02/06 05:22 AM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain tease DUGABOY1   26/02/06 09:06 AM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain tease CptCurlAdministrator   27/02/06 01:01 PM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain tease mickey   27/02/06 02:08 PM
. * * Re: Loads for Curl's .300 Win. Mag. DR - a brain tease NE450No2   26/02/06 07:03 AM

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