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Bovine website - "Cattletag"
      09/12/05 11:12 AM


About the Bison, Buffalo and Cattle TAG
The AZA Wildlife Conservation and Management Committee (WCMC) approved the Bison, Buffalo and Cattle Taxon Advisory Group (BBCTAG) in 1992. The TAG was formed to address captive management issues for wild cattle species, to coordinate North American ex situ program interaction with other regional and global conservation programs and to support both in situ and ex situ conservation efforts in the range countries.

The BBCTAG is governed by a thirteen-member Steering Committee that includes a TAG Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. There are institutional representatives from 47 participating AZA institutions and/or Related Facilities.

TAG Definition
The TAG recognizes and/or oversees the management of the following species and subspecies:

Plains Bison
Bison bison
Wood Bison
Bison bison athabascae
Wisent (European Bison)
Bison bonasus
Bos gaurus (all ssp)
Bos javanicus (all ssp)
Wild Yak
Bos mutus
Domestic Yak
Bos mutus grunniens
Bos sauveli
Domestic Water Buffalo
Bubalus arnee bubalus
Wild Asian Buffalo
Bubalus bubalis
Lowland Anoa
Bubalus depressicornis
Mountain Anoa
Bubalus quarlesi
Bubalus mindorensis
African Savannah (Cape) Buffalo
Syncerus caffer
African Forest Buffalo
Syncerus caffer nanus

Mission Statement
The mission of the Bison, Buffalo and Cattle Taxon Advisory Group is to enhance management programs for wild cattle species in North American zoological institutions in order to help ensure genetically sound, viable and self-sustaining populations that may serve as genetic and educational resources, and to promote activities and programs in support of the preservation of wild cattle in nature.

Goals of Bison, Buffalo and Cattle TAG
The ultimate goal of zoo captive breeding programs is to support wild programs by: serving as the focus of public education programs that highlight species and habitat conservation, by raising support for in-country conservation programs, by increasing knowledge of natural history, husbandry or behavior that may contribute to in situ conservation efforts, and by maintaining genetic and demographic reservoirs that may eventually provide animals or gametes to bolster wild populations.

The primary goals of the Bison, Buffalo and Cattle Taxon Advisory Group are:

To identify and prioritize taxa in need of captive breeding efforts and work to establish and manage AZA populations of these taxa.

To establish clear management goals, continue to improve captive husbandry, and promote research that will enhance the well being of captive wild cattle.

To serve as an AZA resource for information on the status, management and conservation of wild cattle species in nature and in zoological institutions.

To foster links and provide logistical and financial support for in situ efforts relating to wild cattle conservation, in-country captive propagation and education.

To monitor the status of wild and captive populations, identify and prioritize needs of wild cattle species, and coordinate TAG efforts with other applicable conservation groups.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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* Bovine website - "Cattletag" NitroXAdministrator 09/12/05 11:12 AM

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