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Hunting >> Hunting in the Americas

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Reged: 23/11/03
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Loc: Retired in Oklahoma
Hunting with Grand daughter
      06/12/23 01:43 AM

Last spring, I had to go on a cruise with Wife (Gramma) and two teenage Granddaughters. Don't tell them but I had a good time.

One of the many things we talked about on the cruise was my hunting activities. One was not interested, the other, I'll call her M, expressed interest. M is 14.

I talked to my son about taking M hunting with me. He told me that it is something she had shown an interest in, but they had not found time to go. We formulated a plan.

First, I sent M an email asking if she really wanted to go hunting. I got a quick response, "Yes!"

So, the next step was to get parental permission and set a date. I knew already that it was okay with her dad, but what about Mom. (Dad gave me the okay, but she needed to get the okay from him, herself. ) I sent her the season dates for Youth deer gun, general deer gun and Antlerless deer gun.

I heard back from her, and she opted for deer gun Thanksgiving week. She didn't say anything about talking to her Mom and Dad.
I knew Dad's permission was a forgone conclusion. Mom, well that is something different all together. Mom's not anti-hunting, she has hunted also including one trip to South Africa. She is a strong loving caring mom, but education and school comes first. The obstacle was, would she allow M to miss school to go hunting.

M is aware of mom's strong feeling on missing school and was hesitant to broach the subject. It was finally decide that I would ask for the permission.

I was surprised how quick and positive the response was, :"M..... can miss school to spend time with you, Permission Granted".

Wow, what a splendid response.

Now logistics. I wish there was a nonstop flight from BWI to OKC. I had to find a one stop no plane change for a mature 14-year-old traveling alone. Grampa will be nervous. I got her a flight out Friday November 17 and her home either Friday 11/24 or Saturday 11/25.

I have been informed by my wife and daughter next door that we will attend Thanksgiving dinner and follow the tradition of everyone has to bring a dish. M will help me make sweet potato casserole. To my wife and daughter, I responded in the most intelligent manner-to both I said, "Yes Dear".

I have an older Granddaughter, from my other daughter,who is now in her late 20's and off conquering the world, who has hunted varmints with me, (Montana gophers and rock chucks). But never big game. This hunt would be the first big game hunt with any of my Grands.

I have fished with two my Grandsons , both over 30. The 3rd GSon, doesn't do that sort of stuff. I never hunted with the GSons. Two of them do hunt occasionally with their dads and have taken Mule deer in Montana.

If hunting is to survive, we need to get these kids hunting, and especially the girls. If hunting is to survive women have to be part of the equation.

When my Son and I talked about this hunt idea, he asked about hunter safety certificate. I had checked and apparently in OK as long as I am in the blind with her and physically able to control the gun, she does not need hunter safety. My Son and I both agree no harm can come from her taking a hunter safety course. We are going to make it a Family requirement that she take a hunter safety course. It looks like for OK she can take this on line.

When my late wife passed, I took all her guns to my son, for use of his daughters, my granddaughters. I had cut all these guns down to fit my late wife and her smaller dimensions. The late wife's "deer rifle" is a new model 1964 Winchester Model 70 in .243. I sent my son some snap caps for dry firing,

When M comes to hunt, she will use my new Okie Wife's new Classic Winchester Model 70 in 7mm-08 for hunting. It is also cut down for Okie wife's smaller stature.

I am blessed to have (have had) these two wonderful women in my life and it is fortunate that both picked Model 70's for hunting. I feel blessed that they both will have a part in passing our hunting heritage on to this young woman

So thus started the plan.

DD, Ret.

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* Hunting with Grand daughter DoubleD 06/12/23 01:43 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter DoubleD   06/12/23 01:51 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter DarylS   06/12/23 03:40 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter 93x64mm   06/12/23 06:48 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter Rule303   06/12/23 08:11 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter Marrakai   06/12/23 01:00 PM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter NitroXAdministrator   08/12/23 05:03 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter DoubleD   19/12/23 01:15 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter NitroXAdministrator   19/12/23 01:56 PM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter 85lc   07/12/23 02:54 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter DoubleD   08/12/23 12:07 AM
. * * Re: Hunting with Grand daughter NitroXAdministrator   08/12/23 05:01 AM

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