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Re: The Great Aussie Galah
      12/02/23 06:07 PM

Hi Furphy. Good old story, but in truth the pink galah does in fact make for very good eating. Smiley
Back in the mid 70's my late father in law brought 4 other mates up to nsw and the 6 of us went out to Menindee for a weeks fishing. Camped on one of the regulators which was releasing plenty of water the yellowbelly were coming thick and fast. After a couple of days eating fish, Rod, (my FIL) reckoned we should knock off a few pinkies for the camp oven.
Now Rod, who's 3 main things in life (at that stage) was shooting, fishing and beer, knew a thing or two about pinkies so he said to me we need 18 (2 each) for a feed so get your gun and we will find some. Wink
We knew that upriver from Menindee are extensive nardoo areas which pinkies love. Not too long to get 18 birds (and how you shoot 18 galahs without moving from the spot has to remain an old bushies secret) Roll Eyes
Back to camp, pluck and dress the birds (the gut is terrific bait) then Rod made up a stuffing of bread and onions, the 18 pinkies (nicely browned) just neatly fitting (neck down) into the CO. Plenty of red wine/port, a couple off chopped up carrots and then a very slow cook on low heat.
About 1/2 an hour before he reckoned they were done he showed me another good cooking trick. He made up some smallish balls of flour and butter with salt and pepper which he tossed in and stirred (there was a bit of room by then) This made a rich sauce to pour over the birds which were falling from the bone. Absolutely delicious.
That was a great week we had there, it was only a couple of years after that Rod became ill, then battled for a couple more years before he passed away. He would have enjoyed me repeating this yarn.


John aka NitroX

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* The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator 12/02/23 05:31 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator   12/02/23 05:36 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator   12/02/23 05:41 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator   12/02/23 05:49 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator   12/02/23 05:54 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator   12/02/23 06:03 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator   12/02/23 06:07 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator   12/02/23 06:14 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah DarylS   13/02/23 06:22 AM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah NitroXAdministrator   13/02/23 03:42 PM
. * * Re: The Great Aussie Galah lancaster   14/02/23 06:09 AM

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