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Re: A very nice Jeffery MS with quarter rib.
      31/05/19 10:48 AM

Redone, upgraded rifle. I'd guess it was an original commercial M/S as it has bolt lock spring on the recv'r that the Greek Militarys do not.

From there, there are two plugged holes in that 1/4 rib just in front of the recv'r ring
There are two separate rear sights sitting on that 1/4rib. One a single standing leaf way too close to the shooters eye. The front one a two leaf folding sight looking more like maybe it was on the rifle early on.

I suspect the rifle had scope mts on it at one time,,maybe more than one style.
The un-M/S-marked rec'vr ring may have falled victim to the common dovetailclaw mount. A blank piece hammered back into place and reshaped takes care of that as well as the fine knurling background to the M/S lettering.
The engraving further hides any indication of a base.
A slight gouge or defect remains in the recv'r ring on the left side just below that border line cut on each side of the engraving. Remains of a dovetail fix?

If you look at an enlarged pic of the left rear side of the action right behind the clip bridge you can see a slight hollow in the polishing just under the engraving. Right where the rear scope mt base would be to match that front one.

The engraving was all added after the gun was originally built and proofed. The gold band on the bbl breaks and skips around the Birmingham proof marks on the bbl.
One small BNP proof mark remaining on the recv'r ring on the left side. No 'View' mark. No Brit proof marks on the bolt that I can see.

The engraving would have been done first. Then the completed rifle sent for proofing in the finished form.

Engraving is fairly good quality but nothing special. Just added to hide & distract in this instance IMO.

No markings on the left side of the action. Side mount Holes filled perhaps?

Trigger guard metal is proud of the stock wood. As so is the metal of the extended top tang.
A poor job in refinishing what was probably the original wood and then cutting (recutting?) the checkering. That checkering pattern just doesn't seem to be right for the rifle, but maybe it is??
I'm not sure what to think about that plastic looking butt plate,,and that rear swivel. It looks like a take off from a Sears .22 maybe.

Checkering is not the best quality with over runs on the checkering line cuts as well as the borders themselves. The diamonds become squares as the lines back up into the points of the pattern. Shows less than pro work,,or rework.

Just a few things I see.

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* A very nice Jeffery MS with quarter rib. Waidmannsheil 16/05/19 02:45 PM
. * * Re: A very nice Jeffery MS with quarter rib. Rothhammer1   31/05/19 12:09 AM
. * * Re: A very nice Jeffery MS with quarter rib. 2152hq   31/05/19 10:48 AM
. * * Re: A very nice Jeffery MS with quarter rib. Rothhammer1   16/05/19 03:58 PM

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