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Shooting & Reloading - Mausers, Big Bores and others >> Bowhunting + Bows, Spears & Knives

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Re: for the next hundred years
      19/03/17 05:06 PM


just have it with me to be dressed decent not to show of, its only for me. nine of ten will see it as a bloody old knife asking themself what it will be worth on ebay. dont think you can impress the 21. century man with such stuff because you must be into vintage to have some sense for such things.

over the last hundered years it have lost some mm blade length but the rest is still enough. such knifes were sold as hunting Knicker for killing wounded game but I dont ever had the need for this.

I have an Austrian friend living here in SA, actually haven't seen him for years so must catch up with him again. He was a member here on NE years ago. He is retired but was a butcher. He used to tell me, that everyone should acquire a good set of butcher knives and steel. That the lovely stag antler hunting knife, or sheath hunting knife, like we all carry is "just for show". He carried a "show knife" as well.

Said with a thick Austrian accent:
"That knife is just for show, these butcher knives are for dressing the game."

So now I do have a good set of expensive butchers knives. Also a lot of expensive "show" knives. They all serve a purpose. And I do use the "show" hunting knife still in the field, as carrying all those knives makes an already heavy daypack heavier!

I don't have any old knives used by my Grandfather or Great Grandfather. Either they rusted away or were thrown away. Maybe they were unstylish farm and butchers knives and not regarded as "special".

As I said before, it is very nice to be able to carry the same knife carried by your Great Grandfather, and perhaps other family members since him. And never mind any others and their comments. Irrelevant to you. You carry your history on your belt.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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* for the next hundred years lancaster 17/03/17 10:16 PM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years 4seventy   18/03/17 09:40 PM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years Sarg   18/03/17 07:36 AM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years NitroXAdministrator   18/03/17 09:18 PM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years lancaster   19/03/17 12:15 AM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years NitroXAdministrator   19/03/17 05:06 PM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years Rule303   19/03/17 08:46 AM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years lancaster   19/03/17 04:18 PM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years Rule303   19/03/17 05:06 PM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years gryphon   19/03/17 04:41 PM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years NitroXAdministrator   19/03/17 03:47 AM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years 93x64mm   19/03/17 08:31 AM
. * * Re: for the next hundred years rigbymauser   18/03/17 06:29 AM

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