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NitroExpress.com: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle?

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Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle?
      08/04/15 01:54 AM

Hallo Rolf,

How about one of these: http://www.egun.de/market/item.php?id=5308224

At 1020mm overall length it is about the same as the H&K with suppressor, and you have the longer barrel with improved ballistics and sight radius, plus a "Sauhammer" of a caliber. I don't know what the H&K costs, but I don't imagine it's cheap. The few which are available used here (they haven't been imported since 1986) cost close to $3000. A Doctor sight or a low powered scope would complete the outfit.

Plus, since Marktoberdorf is only about 100 km away, you can carry on the transaction face to face and actually handle the gun before you pay for it.


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Subject Posted by Posted on
* Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Rolf 05/04/15 12:15 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? DarylS   05/04/15 06:41 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Ripp   05/04/15 06:59 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Rolf   05/04/15 07:44 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Northman   07/04/15 08:07 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Rolf   07/04/15 09:47 PM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? NitroXAdministrator   07/04/15 10:00 PM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Ripp   07/04/15 11:10 PM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? xausa   08/04/15 01:54 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Northman   07/04/15 11:07 PM

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