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Champlins Firearms and JJ Peroddeau, Gunmaker
      12/02/05 02:05 PM

Champlin Firearms and JJ Perodeau, Gunmaker


Champlin Firearms began in Enid, Oklahoma, due to Doug Champlin's keen interest in both sporting and military firearms. It first opened in 1966 with full efforts to build a custom sporting rifle using a rifle action of its own design. Today, it is the only made to order custom rifle with quality wood and steel, incorporating its own turn bolt action.

Once the research and development turned to delivered orders, Champlin started buying, selling and trading in quality, pre-owned and pre WW II guns and rifles, those with a proven track record. The inventory grew with many top drawer American custom bolt rifles, Lever Winchesters, Model 21's, Belgium SXS's, German Sauers, Merkels, Krieghoff, and numerous pre-war Drillings, early Italian game guns and numerous rare, high quality English, Continental and American pieces.

We were driven then as today, to surround ourselves with first rate quality sporters. The inventory, with few exceptions, is wood, steel, hand finished, hand cut, non-white, line spacer quality, that real gun cranks demand, use with pleasure and pass on as a treasure. Our day to day business revolves around the "best" pieces that have character. Mass produced and custom synthetics certainly have their place, but not in our business.

The staff has always been hunters and shooters with no boundaries. From this devotion we became one of the driving forces with the renewed interest in the S X S double rifle. We were dealing in, loading for, working on and shooting double rifles long before Africa became 'the' destination. We don't believe any one company has handled more anywhere in the world. To this day, we understand the product better than anyone. We seriously understand the life and times of quality sporting firearms which reach every game area on every continent.

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* Champlins Firearms and JJ Peroddeau, Gunmaker LinksAdministrator 12/02/05 02:05 PM

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