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Hunting >> Hunting in the Americas

.375 member

Reged: 17/10/11
Posts: 561
Loc: Texas
What happens to all that venison?
      14/03/14 02:30 PM

Well in Texas you wait for Spring and then you get together with friends and make sausage.

Ander Texas is a tiny little town near Goliad. Hot and humid with the prevailing breeze from the coast. Spanish moss hangs from the giant old Live Oaks.

Misty morning in South Texas

This was the old general store.

In this house you may not be related to anyone but you feel like family. (okay - not like my family, but you get the point)

Children are helpful,

for a while at least.

6 families, 26 people, 4 recipes, 1 house, and 500 lbs. of sausage. As the tallest one there my job is to hang everything. This is a serious responsibility. Woe to the one that allows any links to touch each other (lest they not receive smoke), or hangs anything improperly so as to run out of space in the smokehouse, or (God forbid) mix up or mislabel anything!

Post Oak and Pecan in the smoke pot.

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* What happens to all that venison? Cazadero 14/03/14 02:30 PM
. * * Re: What happens to all that venison? Sarg   14/03/14 06:40 PM
. * * Re: What happens to all that venison? DarylS   15/03/14 03:04 AM
. * * Re: What happens to all that venison? Sville   14/03/14 05:52 PM

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