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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

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Reged: 20/01/04
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What's a lefty to do?
      12/01/05 11:11 AM


I'm sure this has been addressed before but let me pose the question. What does a lefty do about the triggers on a double rifle?

Since double triggers are set up for right handed shooter how does a lefty handle the double rifle? Do the makers have triggers set up in reverse for lefties or do we opt for single triggers? These may all be silly questions but I am curious.

While I don't own a double rifle, I am lusting for one. I see one in the not to distant future. Perhaps a Searcy 500NE. Thanks in advance for any input.


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* What's a lefty to do? mart 12/01/05 11:11 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? mart   14/01/05 07:42 PM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? Rusty   13/01/05 01:24 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? foxfire   13/01/05 01:40 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? CptCurlAdministrator   13/01/05 01:57 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? foxfire   13/01/05 03:32 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? CptCurlAdministrator   13/01/05 04:00 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? foxfire   12/01/05 11:21 PM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? CptCurlAdministrator   12/01/05 11:38 PM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? foxfire   13/01/05 12:04 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? bonanza   13/01/05 12:56 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? 500Nitro   13/01/05 12:00 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? 500Nitro   12/01/05 06:45 PM

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