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Hunting >> Hunting in Australia, NZ & the South Pacific

.400 member

Reged: 14/11/09
Posts: 1730
Loc: QLD
Ammo, more ammo !!!
      19/11/12 10:56 PM

Vanders has been trying to get out here for awhile to get into some pigs as well as to blood his new to him Husky 9.3x62.
He was to come Friday but I told him to come early because the neighbor was getting the chopper in and 4 ute loads of blokes to wage war on the hogs starting Friday.

Day 1 - Thursday. (5 pigs)

We grabbed our swags, a bit of tucker and a carton and drove the 75kms to the place we wanted to hunt.
After we unloaded the gear in the wool shed we headed out to look for a pig.
I was carrying my Husky 9.3x57 loaded with 250 grain RN Woody's and Vanders was running Highland 285 grain factory ammo in his 9.3x62.

We only got 5 for the arvo but I didn't expect too much as I hate hunting this time of day.

Here's a couple I shot with the Husky.

One "George" caught after dark on the way home.

We had a few beers and Vanders shot this cat with the 7-08.

Day 2 Friday (52 pigs)

We were up at 4am and in the paddock waiting for some light so we could see.
I was using my Dads old 338 win mag loaded with 275 grain Speers as well as my 9.3x57.
Vanders stuck with his Husky 9.3x62.

A couple with the 338.

A recovered 275 grain Speer from the 338.

Here are a couple Vanders rolled.

This was my best boar for the weekend.
Some real wild riding and a bit of luck got me this fella.

The 250 grain Woodliegh recovered from him.

Another boar with the Husky.

At this stage we were cheering as our 52 for the morning was the best I have ever done. (little did we know what was to come).

Day 3 Saturday (125 pigs)

We got up at 3am to drive the 120 kms to my next place.
I have never experienced anything like this as far as numbers go.

I took 30 odd rounds for my 338-06 loaded with 225 grain Innterbonds as well as 23 rounds for my 325WSM.
Vanders had his 9.3 and Tikka 7-08.

The short story is I ran out of ammo and Vanders ran out of ammo for his 9.3 and was down to the Tikka.
I got my last 14 pigs with the bike and my sword.

Here are some of the pigs with my 338-06.

Check out the mud on this dude.

Some with the 325WSM.

A recovered 185 grain CoreLokt from the 325.

Here is one of the camps where Vanders flushed a heap of pigs from and called me on the radio with a high voice to say "there is about 50 or 60 pigs heading SW and I'm on their tail".

Couple Vanders got.

At one stage we were talking and taking photo's after I had just got 18 pigs out of a mob when 10 yards away a boar jumped up and Vanders decked him with the 9.3.

This is taken from the boar back to the bikes.

Here is the boar.

A recovered Highland 9.3x62.

The last mob of pigs we came onto we got 25 between us.
Happy with our efforts and me worried I was going to have a heart attack running around in the heat chasing pigs with a knife only we headed back to the homestead to have a yarn with the pleased cocky.

Here are the rifles and remaining shells we didn't loose.

Knocked the top off a couple of these as I don't think I will ever break that record.

Day 4 Sunday (21 pigs)

Got up at 4am.
Went to one of the places I go all the time and you can tell because the hunting was a fair bit harder.
I was using my 404 and Vanders was using his 9.3 with my pet load of 58 grains of 2208 under the 286 grain Woody.

Here was our first boar and I shot him with the 404 loaded with 400 grain Kynoch's.

Check out the cut on his back. I bet that was annoying.

Another boar with the 404.

Another Bower Birds nest.

A sows nest.

Dukes 318th pig and our 203rd pig for the long weekend.

Us very happy with ourselves.

Vanders pulled out of here at 12 o'clock to head back to the big smoke with a smile you couldn't knock off with a stick (I would like to try though).

It was a great weekend and good to hunt with a like minded person that doesn't take himself to seriously.


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* Ammo, more ammo !!! FATBOY404 19/11/12 10:56 PM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! Ripp   20/11/12 01:27 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! NitroXAdministrator   20/11/12 02:18 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! DarylS   20/11/12 02:51 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! Sville   20/11/12 04:46 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! Ben   20/11/12 08:24 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! Viking338   20/11/12 11:21 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! FATBOY404   20/11/12 10:59 PM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! Claydog   20/11/12 01:14 PM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! FATBOY404   20/11/12 11:06 PM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! DarylS   21/11/12 02:23 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! Buchsemann   21/11/12 03:13 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! AkMike   21/11/12 08:33 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! DarylS   21/11/12 12:47 PM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! Ash   21/11/12 05:27 PM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! FATBOY404   22/11/12 11:06 AM
. * * Re: Ammo, more ammo !!! CHAPUISARMES   20/11/12 04:14 PM

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