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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

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Reged: 24/07/10
Posts: 10
Loc: Texas
Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five
      27/07/10 01:34 AM

I have been to Africa several times and in recent years have taken to my Blaser R93--a straight pull bolt gun in interchangeable offerings, including 375 and 416. Most recently I used the gun in 375 for plains game in Namibia and SA to very good effect (these are very accurate guns). Anyway, the Blaser has a thumb actuated safety/decocker that makes the gun very safe, but takes some getting used to. I've done enough hunting to know that changing between various makes of firearms can lead to bungling as the moments get tight. I'm thinking of a mauser system that went click on my recently for reasons I still can't figure. I had the same experience with my Blaser after my PH cocked the gun over an empty chamber.

I've been wanting a double for some time, and am inclined toward the heavier end of calibers 450N.E., 470, or 500 on the theory that it's for dangerous game and I'd usually take another gun for the smaller things on the trip. As that's now likely a Blaser, I'm wondering if people have thoughts or experience to share on the Kreighoff striker system and its similarity to the Blaser I'm getting habitually familiar with. I'd been looking at the Chapuis (pretty) and the Merkel (which seems strudy) or perhaps even the Sabatis (unknown). As I think about the Krieghoff, I'm starting the think that it would make some sense with my Blaser, assuming I can get myself conditioned in a crunch to always be flicking forward before I pull the rifle up. Frankly, at first I didn't like the gun for fear of not having it cocked and in a panic not knowing why it won't fire. Anyone have such a combination or useful insights?

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* Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five davidindallas 27/07/10 01:34 AM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five NitroXAdministrator   29/07/10 09:08 PM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five davidindallas   31/07/10 02:39 PM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five 93mouse   29/07/10 07:26 PM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five AkMike   29/07/10 01:45 PM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five BPEBuff   29/07/10 06:46 PM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five SharpsNitro   29/07/10 05:29 AM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five Kebco   29/07/10 01:01 PM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five John   29/07/10 01:20 PM
. * * Re: Blaser 93/Krieghoff Big Five John   29/07/10 04:26 AM

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