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Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup
      26/02/08 09:50 AM


... do not use the skin to make the track. you wont get him off the bunnies again.


please explain? Do you mean he will track rabbits all the time if a skin is used? Rabbits will be one of the most hunted game animals on the farm.

As for blood, shooting a hare will get me some in good quantity, plus the next deer or three. Good ideas.



Mine had to sit before even getting petted/praised. I always make a big fuss, now she automatically goes to the heel sit and wags furiously until petted no matter who visits. Since she learned so young she never jumps on anyone or on their car.


Good idea.


Leash training ASAP and teach him 'no' asap as well.

Will try him out soon on the leash. NO is well underway.


Can you get some game bird wings for him to play with?

Can easily shoot some pigeons.


At this young age teach him to mind things you don't want him attacking. If you have livestock and chickens, etc, expose him to them now.

OK sheep are always an issue. Time for some exposure to sheep AND the leash.



... next time you hide his bowl and drip the food (soup, milk...) from the regular place towards bowl and let him find his dish by himself - not too long at first you may prolong it by the time according to his progress.


Good idea.

My previous dog dig this for US! After eating he used to hide his bowl, like burying a bone. At first it was easy, just lying under a bush. Then it started to get half-buried. He didn't like us finding it. Until eventually he would bury in maybe 30 cms under ground and the only way to find it was to look for disturbed ground.


Also when out in the field try some hide and seek - take advantage when he will not be concentrated on you and hide behind the tree and let him find you...

Another good idea. Used to do this with the previous dog as well and he enjoyed it even as an adult dog.


Everyone, Thanks for some good ideas.

John aka NitroX

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* Training a young GSP / pointer pup NitroXAdministrator 25/02/08 04:10 PM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup Ripp   27/05/09 12:30 AM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup 93mouse   25/02/08 07:35 PM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup AspenHill   26/02/08 02:24 AM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup peter   26/02/08 07:22 AM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup NitroXAdministrator   26/02/08 09:50 AM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup peter   26/02/08 07:57 PM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup gryphon   27/02/08 05:38 AM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup 375fanatic   01/03/08 02:53 AM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup NitroXAdministrator   08/03/08 01:27 PM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup Taylor416   26/05/09 07:36 PM
. * * Re: Training a young GSP / pointer pup NitroXAdministrator   26/02/08 06:23 PM

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