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Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 1340
Re: my 600nitro
      03/02/08 03:52 AM


I could not agree with bigdog more. You are either incredibly ignorant, or you have put this out there to stimulate some genuine discussion on the 600 Nitro.
Somehow, I just think you are just incredibly ignorant.
How dare you make such assumptions. There are thousands of big bore collectors who enjoy owning, shooting and hunting with these rare and highly collectible big bore rifles.
By the way, if you are serious about applying your " whats practical " rule to this discussion, then a $1500 458 Lott will do everything we need to do on this plant, but then I am not sure what plant you are on.

On the subject of nice big bores, any chance we might see a pic or two of your 577 ??

Now folks, the above quote is a fine example of a name calling ass! Now! speaking of ignorance, I would think a person who can't read, and answer a simple question, quoted below, from the origenal poster,has no right calling anyone ignorant, that is a little like the pot calling the kettle black!



any one have a thoght on its usefulnes

As I said in my post to BIGDOG, I have zero objection to anyone owning as many 600NE doubles he can afford, and I respect his right to do so, but that was not the question! It had only to do with my opinion on the usefulness of a 600NE double rifle, not if someone should own one! I have a 100 caliber rampart rifle, from the civil war in the USA, but I certainly don't go around telling people it is usefull for anything other that to hang on the wall, or to use against a sailing ships, helmsman, to guard a harbor from a square master wooden ship!

Opinion is what the origenal poster asked for, and your opinion seemingly disagrees with mine! That is fine, but I was, apparently, under the misconception, this was a place where if an opinion was aske for, it would be OK to give one, one that didn't necessarily agree with all the other opinions! I guess not! So though I have been on this forum for some yrs, and have never experienced such bad manners before, I really don't see a need for my thoughts here, any longer, since I don't walk lock step with any one, just because they think their opinion, is automaticlly the correct answer, simpley because it disagrees with mine !

.........................................BYE! it's all your's!

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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* my 600nitro ant458 04/11/07 10:11 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro Anonymous   03/02/08 03:15 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro BigFiveJack   18/11/07 02:34 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro ant458   02/02/08 08:11 PM
. * * Re: my 600nitro mickey   18/11/07 06:25 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro DUGABOY1   30/11/07 07:51 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro paradox_   30/11/07 08:19 PM
. * * Re: my 600nitro DUGABOY1   03/02/08 03:52 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro mickey   03/02/08 03:01 PM
. * * Re: my 600nitro ant458   01/05/08 01:49 PM
. * * Re: my 600nitro mickey   30/11/07 10:11 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro bigdog   30/11/07 10:47 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro DUGABOY1   03/02/08 02:58 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro JTOMLINSON   01/12/07 02:40 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro bigdog   01/12/07 10:28 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro Rolf   02/12/07 09:10 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro bigdog   02/12/07 10:28 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro 500grains   01/12/07 06:10 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro hoppdoc   01/12/07 08:14 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro empirevr   18/11/07 07:43 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro mickey   04/11/07 11:26 AM
. * * Re: my 600nitro peter   04/11/07 08:56 PM
. * * Re: my 600nitro AkMike   04/11/07 11:14 AM

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