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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles


Re: how do you prepare
      07/01/08 12:19 PM


I am the one who posted about shooting a 22 for practice.


You mean your also the one. In any event..

Regardless of how much you shoot your 22, it will not properly prepare you for a double rifle, period.

When was the last time you shot 120 rounds of 470, or equivelent in recoil, out of a rifle in ONE range session? (100 rounds of 22lr, 20 of 470)

Neeegro please... I have shot enough large bore ammo to fill a house. Whats the old adage, when you assume you...

The answer will be never, or suspect. Trigger control is all, and it can be learned on any rifle. But of course needs to finished up on the rifle you intend to hunt with, and that doesn't take much.

Trigger control? Well if thats your practice method thats just super.

If you want to practice the function of your double rifle then go shoot skeet or sporting clays with your SxS shotgun. Speed of reloading too. Mount and point, similar.

God my side is aching from laughing so hard.

A flat of 12ga shotgun ammo (250 rounds here) doesn't cost too much, is fun to shoot and doesn't beat you like even 50 rounds of 470 would. Importantly, it teached fluidity, which much rifle shooting does not. Fluidity is the key to close range shooting imo, especially when the ele swings to look at you as you push your approach, or the buff for that matter. If it doesn't notice you as you close to,say fifteeen or ten yards - and they all will if you keep approaching to close as close as possible, then your long practice with a 22 and then with your 470 or so will make a set shot a breeze.

Well by this time you should be wonderfully accustomed to your shotgun, and not your double rifle.

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. * * Re: how do you prepare CptCurlAdministrator   06/01/08 11:36 PM
. * * Re: how do you prepare JPK   07/01/08 12:45 AM
. * * Re: how do you prepare CptCurlAdministrator   07/01/08 01:40 AM

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