I can't comment on other people's laws but here in the USA this question is timely.
The purpose behind the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution is to provide a threat against tyrrany. That threat comes from an armed populace. That populace must have reasonably similar life goals and personal ethics, obviously, or anarchy results. It is in the face of much moral and political confusion that our supreme court must weigh in on this subject. It will not be easy!
Yes, I believe there are many legitimate reasons for civilians to own both semi- and fully-automatic weapons, but that is an issue of opinion.
As I have heard many times, the second amendment is not about semi or fully automatic weapons--it is about having the "right" to keep and bear arms----,there was no mention of what it type it had to be... which some of the anti's have tried to use against us..stating you must be in the military for the 2nd amendment to apply..
I believe our forefathers had the foresight to keep those in governing power somewhat in check..as stated above, it will be a touchy subject as to how the Supreme Court will rule..
As to the AK-47 and M-16--I have shot several of each in the past.. they are a ton of fun and I agree with the assesment above--teh AK-47 is incredibly durable and will fire under the worst of circumstances--where as the M-16 is indeed very accurate--In the past issue of a monthly gun mag. one of the reporters was embedded with some soldiers for about 45 days.. he came away with the same opinion..he also stated that several in the group he was with could "routinely" take out targets up to 600 meters with the M-16---not sure what they had for optics.. I will check and get back on this..
AND YES--I FEEL IT IS EVERYONE'S right to own whatever firearm they wish ...