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Hunting >> Hunting in Australia, NZ & the South Pacific

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Re: Victorian Hunting Guide - online
      19/01/04 05:22 PM

Most important of all

Where you can hunt


12 Where You Can Hunt

One of the most frequently asked questions by hunters is "Where can I hunt?" Some areas can be easily determined due to distinct and easily recognisable boundaries (eg. roads), however, other areas can be difficult to determine and are only defined by physical features or lines on a map.

Wherever possible, DPI and other land managers, like Parks Victoria, will do their best to assist you when trying to identify areas that are available to hunting. Hunters need to do some homework also. To help us help you, we recommend the following:

Identify the general area that you wish to hunt.
Obtain a map of the area and narrow it down to areas likely to have game.
Talk to Park Rangers about the location of Park boundaries.
If you intend to use a firearm to hunt, consider the Firearms Safety Code and remember that even though an area may be open to hunting, the use of firearms may be prohibited under the Firearms Act for safety reasons.
For Crown land, find out from the local DPI office whether the area is under licence or is leased. Some lessees and licensees do not allow hunting on leased or licensed lands.
Information on areas open to hunting can be found from a wide range of sources, including DSE and DPI publications and staff, the DSE/DPI Customer Service Centre, Parks Victoria, hunting organisations, parish plans, up to date maps, private land owners and Victoria Police.

Remember, find out for yourself. If in doubt about the legality of hunting in a particular area, don't hunt there until you are sure. The consequences for hunting in a closed area could result in the loss of your Game and Firearms Licences and the seizure and confiscation of your firearm, vehicle or other belongings. Avoid hunting close to boundaries and, above all, act responsibly and ensure that your actions will not put the safety of yourself or others at risk. Never carry a loaded firearm or use a firearm in a town or populous place (eg. picnic area, camp site) or on or over any area of public or private land, where hunting is not permitted. Also, you must not carry a loaded firearm or use a firearm on any thoroughfare or place open to or used by the public for passage with vehicles.

There are many land classifications throughout Victoria and, depending on the type, hunting may or may not be permitted. The following table provides general information on where you may hunt. For more specific details of where you may hunt, see the information included below and call the nearest DPI office for details, before you enter the field.


Land Classification Hunting Permitted?
State forest and other unoccupied Crown land Game species may be hunted during the open season only. Pest animals may be hunted at any time.
State Game Reserves Game species may be hunted, but only during the open season. Sixteen State Game Reserves are available for quail hunting and six for Hog Deer hunting. Pest animals may not be hunted at any time, unless specifically authorised by the Department.
Sanctuaries Game species may not be hunted at any time. Pest animals may be hunted.
Melbourne Water Catchment Areas Hunting of any type is not permitted at any time.
Forest Parks, Flora and Fauna Reserves and Nature Conservation Reserves Hunting of any type is not permitted at any time.
National Parks, State Parks, Coastal Parks, Wilderness Parks Generally, hunting of any type is not permitted at any time, however, there are some exceptions. See below for details.
Private land, including leased or licensed Crown land Game (only during the open season) and pest animals may be hunted, but only with the permission of the land owner/manager, lessee or licensee.

State Forest and Other Unoccupied Crown Land

Generally, hunting for pest animals and game species is permitted in all State forests and unoccupied Crown land (ie. Crown land that is not leased or licensed), however, some restrictions may apply. Hunters are advised to consult the local DPI Office for specific information about any restrictions that apply to the area of State forest or unoccupied Crown land that they wish to hunt. Remember, many people use State forests for recreation and for their livelihood. Never shoot on or across public roads or tracks and never shoot towards populated areas, including camping and picnic areas and walking tracks.

Pest animals may be hunted at any time and hunting for game species is allowed only during the open season for that species. Make sure that you know when the open seasons are. The recreational hunting of duck is not permitted in 2003 (see section 6 "duck" for details).

State Game Reserves

Sixteen State Game Reserves are available to hunting for Stubble Quail during the open season. For a detailed list of these State Game Reserves, see Section 8 "Stubble Quail and Introduced Game Birds". Jack Smith Lake, Dowd Morass, Ewings Morass, Clydebank Morass, Heart Morass, and Lake Coleman Game Reserves are open for Hog Deer hunting during the Hog Deer season. The recreational hunting of duck is not permitted in 2003 (see section 6 "duck" for details).

Pest animals or other non-game species such as sparrows or starlings may not be hunted on State Game Reserves at any time unless specific authorisation is provided by the Department. A "Registration of Interest to Hunt Pest Animals on Crown Land" is not specific authorisation.


Game species may not be hunted at any time in areas declared to be Sanctuaries. However, pest animals may be hunted. Major Victorian sanctuaries are: Mount Cole Sanctuary (South West Region, DPI), Gunbower Island Sanctuary, Kow Swamp and Reedy Lakes near Kerang (North West Region, DPI). The location of other sanctuaries should be checked with the local DPI Office.

The former Central Highlands Sanctuary was repealed in June 1996 and, as a result, certain sections were opened to hunting. The Yarra Ranges National Park has been created within the former Sanctuary and this area is closed to all hunting. In addition, several water catchments are located in the former Sanctuary and are also closed. Check with the Alexandra DPI Office for more details.

Melbourne Water Catchment Areas

A number of catchments and reservoirs in the outer metropolitan and central highlands area are controlled by Melbourne Water and are part of the metropolitan water supply system. Public entry to these areas is prohibited to ensure a high-quality water supply.

Forest Parks, Flora and Fauna Reserves and Nature Conservation Reserves

Carrying and using firearms in these areas is prohibited.

National Parks, State Parks, Coastal Parks, Wilderness Parks

Most Wilderness, National, State and Coastal Parks are closed to hunting at all times. However, you are allowed to hunt in the parks listed below, subject to varying conditions. Hunters must not possess a firearm in, or transport a firearm through a park (except in some instances) when hunting is prohibited. Also, where hunting is allowed, firearms must only be those calibres or gauges permitted for the species available for hunting in that park. The recreational hunting of duck is not permitted in 2003 (see section 6 "duck" for details).

Alpine National Park (North East, Gippsland Regions, DPI). In certain sections of the park, Sambar Deer may be hunted by stalking only from 15 February to 15 December. The use of dogs to hunt Sambar Deer is not permitted in this park. Pest animals and other species must not be hunted in this park.
Avon Wilderness Park (Gippsland Region, DPI). In certain sections of the park, Sambar Deer may be hunted by stalking only from 15 February to 15 December. The use of dogs to hunt Sambar Deer is not permitted in this park. Pest animals and other species must not be hunted in this park
Baw Baw National Park (Gippsland Region, DPI). Sambar Deer may be hunted by stalking only in the area east of Thomson Valley Road from 1 May to 25 October. The use of dogs to hunt Sambar Deer is not permitted in this park. Pest animals and other species must not be hunted in this park.
Lake Eildon National Park (North East Region, DPI). In certain sections in the south-east of the park, Sambar Deer may be hunted by stalking only from the first Saturday after Easter until 30 November. The use of dogs to hunt deer is not permitted in this park. Pest animals and other species must not be hunted in this park. Check with the Lake Eildon National Park Rangers office on (03) 5772 2038 for details.
Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park (Gippsland Region, DPI). In certain sections Stubble Quail and Hog Deer may be hunted in season. Check with the Traralgon DPI Office for details. Pest animals and other species must not be hunted in this park.
Lake Albacutya Park (North West Region, DPI). The hunting of pest animals is allowed. Hunting is not permitted in part of the park, near the boat ramp. Check with the Mildura DPI Office for details.
Mitchell River National Park (Gippsland Region, DPI). Sambar Deer hunting by stalking is permitted east of the Mitchell River from 15 February to 15 December. The use of dogs to hunt deer is not permitted in this park. Pest animals and other species must not be hunted in this park.
Nooramunga Marine and Coastal Park (Gippsland Region, DPI). Hunting for Hog Deer is permitted in certain sections in season. Check with the Yarram DPI Office for details of which areas are open to hunting. Pest animals and other species must not be hunted in this park.
Parks Victoria is responsible for the management of national, state, regional and metropolitan parks and other conservation areas, such as State Game Reserves. For more information on hunting, camping, lighting fires and seasonal road closures in these areas, please contact the Parks Victoria Information Centre on 13 19 63 or visit the Parkweb website at www.parkweb.vic.gov.au

Private Land

Game species in season and pest animals may be hunted on private land or areas of leased or licensed Crown land provided that hunters have obtained the permission of the land owner/manager, lessee or licensee. You must not shoot on or across public roads or tracks at any time. The recreational hunting of duck is not permitted in 2003 (see section 6 "duck" for details).

If you are in doubt about the status of a particular area, or require any further information, please contact the relevant DPI Office.

Areas Closed to Deer Hunting

The hunting of Sambar Deer with scent-trailing hounds and gundogs is prohibited around Marysville and Kevington-Jamieson. Deer hunting by stalking is still permitted in the Marysville and Kevington-Jamieson areas. All forms of deer hunting are also prohibited around the township of Warburton, Rubicon Power Station and several areas around Halls Gap. For maps of these areas, contact the DSE/DPI Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

Maps Available

Lake Wellington Wetlands, Central Gippsland and the High Country

This map provides information on areas open to hunting in Central Gippsland and the high country, as well as for the Lake Wellington wetlands. There is also general information for hunters.

The map sells for $7.00 and is obtainable from most DPI Offices. Contact DPI Offices in the Gippsland Region, the Outdoors Information Centre in Melbourne and some specialist map retailers.

Hunters Guide to the Kerang Lakes

A joint project between the Department and local FGA branches, this map shows the location of wetlands around the Kerang Region. Also included is a brief description of particular wetlands. The map sells for $6.00 and is also available from local DPI Offices in the North West Region and from Field and Game Australia (telephone 03 5799 0960).

Hunters Guide to the North East

Produced as a joint project between DPI Shepparton and local FGA branches, this map locates north-east wetlands and includes a brief description of the wetland.

The map sells for $7.00 and is available from local DPI Offices in the North East Region and Field and Game Australia (telephone 03 5799 0960).

A Guide to State Game Reserves

The Game Management Unit has developed an Internet site that provides information on game hunting opportunities on 70 of Victoria's State Game Reserves. The site includes a map of each State Game Reserve and information detailing how to get there, what facilities are available, what game species may be hunted and other information relevant to hunting and camping. Hunters may view and print the information at www.nre.vic.gov.au, under Recreation and Tourism, Hunting, State Game Reserves.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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* Victorian Hunting Guide - online NitroXAdministrator 19/01/04 05:14 PM
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