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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

.400 member

Reged: 09/02/03
Posts: 1107
Loc: South Africa
      04/05/06 03:40 PM

Trying to explain why we feel the urge to voluntarily put ourselves in harms way and hunt (esp DG) to a non hunter is a little like trying to explain colour to a blind man.

Perhaps the quote from Ortega y Gasset is as good an explanation as anything. He said something like: " One doesn't hunt in order to have killed, one kills in order to have hunted"

The philosophy of hunting is surely one of the most complicated aspects of what we do...........

Perhaps you might like to ask her where the leather from her shoes came from etc (you could also mention food, medicines etc) and then point out that wild animals fairly hunted have a better life and a better end to that life and are put to better use than those animals kept domestically and executed for her convenience.

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

Edited by shakari (04/05/06 03:50 PM)

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* WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? hoppdoc 04/05/06 07:00 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? DUGABOY1   11/05/06 08:17 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? MRobinson   06/05/06 01:33 PM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? hoppdoc   08/05/06 11:16 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? bulldog563   08/05/06 02:18 PM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? Boomer   06/05/06 08:24 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? iqbal   05/05/06 01:17 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? shakari   05/05/06 02:02 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? allenday   05/05/06 12:10 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? jorge   05/05/06 12:29 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? JPK   05/05/06 01:00 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? hoppdoc   04/05/06 10:30 PM
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. * * Re: If only for the budget... hoppdoc   08/05/06 09:26 AM
. * * Re: If only for the budget... tinker   08/05/06 04:56 PM
. * * Re: If only for the budget... hoppdoc   09/05/06 12:30 AM
. * * Re: If only for the budget... JPK   09/05/06 01:07 PM
. * * Re: If only for the budget... shakari   06/05/06 01:05 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? DoubleD   05/05/06 02:48 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? hoppdoc   05/05/06 04:08 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? Charles_Helm   05/05/06 05:21 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? JPK   05/05/06 03:57 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? DoubleD   05/05/06 05:25 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? Charles_Helm   05/05/06 05:39 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? JPK   05/05/06 09:38 AM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? Dark_Helmet   05/05/06 12:29 PM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? shakari   05/05/06 03:00 PM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? JPK   05/05/06 11:19 PM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? luv2safari   04/05/06 04:24 PM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? 500grains   04/05/06 01:51 PM
. * * Re: WHY DO YOU HUNT DANGEROUS GAME? shakari   04/05/06 03:40 PM

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