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Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice.
      10/03/06 06:09 AM

I understand your concern but believe me, there is absolutely NOTHING can be done and absolutely NO theories that can be applied to DG close range charges.(which is the way they come) It's a matter of snap shooting and snap decision making...... which is why you employ a Professional Hunter.

The best thing and about the only thing you can do is try to learn about animal behaviour and body language (which might but only might help you anticipate a charge) - but even with that, one really needs practical hands on experience....... and even with that experience, it doesn't mean that an individual animal can't have a bad day where it decides to turn a mock charge into a serious one at the last moment....... which takes us full circle and back to saying there's absolutely no way one can set up a practice charge simulation that's worth doing.

Take a look at the Leopard at the bottom right of this page:- http://www.kuduland.com/hunting-in-tanzania.htm That Leopard got wounded and we followed it up in the dark...... the time between seeing it and shooting it would be counted in fractions of a second and we stopped it at 6 yards. I don't even remember seeing that one, but it ended up with a bloody great hole in it's face from my .500..........

There's a Buff there somewhere that did a similar thing with similar results (at 7 yards) as well. Also the Lion has the same sized hole in it's face..... Although not quite for the same reason.... but still put there without planning.

Hope I haven't given you bad news!

Steve "Shakari" Robinson
Kuduland Safaris (Africa) Ltd

Edited by shakari (10/03/06 07:01 AM)

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* KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. hoppdoc 08/03/06 02:51 PM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. EricD   10/03/06 05:46 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. shakari   10/03/06 06:09 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. BlainSmipy   10/03/06 06:19 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. shakari   10/03/06 06:28 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. shakari   10/03/06 06:57 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. bulldog563   10/03/06 10:42 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. shakari   10/03/06 03:16 PM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. LGF   13/03/06 10:25 PM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. BlainSmipy   10/03/06 07:08 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. shakari   10/03/06 07:34 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. hoppdoc   10/03/06 09:26 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. BlainSmipy   10/03/06 05:18 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. new_guy   09/03/06 06:29 AM
. * * Re: KILL or BE KILLED Charge Practice. Boomer   09/03/06 01:49 AM

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