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Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or?
      08/03/06 03:07 AM

It's great that your 12 bore shoots sabots so well and it is understandable that you are very proud of it - and indeed, it is an achievement. Thanks for letting us know how well a rifled 12 'can' shoot, even if it is with small bullets.
: For years, I've had a yen to buy a resonablely good .410 double 3" chambers and cut the barrels off at 26". I'd then have them rifled and use maybe 9.3X74 brass, BlackPowder and cast bullets. Maybe one day.
: For now, I'll look for a good double-lump smooth 12 bore for a ball gun. After hunting in this porvince for 30 years, I've yet to have to shoot a big game animal past 95 yards. Properly loaded, the smooth 12 will handle tham all - and be fun doing it.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

Edited by Daryl_S (08/03/06 04:09 AM)

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* Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000 03/03/06 08:12 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? srose   08/03/06 02:28 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   04/03/06 05:18 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? tinker   03/03/06 12:33 PM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   04/03/06 05:02 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? BlainSmipy   05/03/06 11:03 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   07/03/06 06:18 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? bonanza   04/03/06 05:32 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   04/03/06 05:53 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? doublegunfan   04/03/06 07:12 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   04/03/06 07:40 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   04/03/06 08:09 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? 8x56mn   07/03/06 06:40 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   07/03/06 08:41 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? 8x56mn   08/03/06 12:30 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   08/03/06 03:07 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? 8x56mn   08/03/06 05:06 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   08/03/06 05:24 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   04/03/06 10:32 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? doublegunfan   11/03/06 10:08 PM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   14/03/06 03:32 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? doublegunfan   14/03/06 06:09 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   14/03/06 07:13 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? Yogi000   14/03/06 10:59 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   14/03/06 05:15 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? DarylS   05/03/06 04:43 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? 8x56mn   04/03/06 05:21 AM
. * * Re: Big Bore Gun? Yes or no? Or? bonanza   03/03/06 09:20 AM

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