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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

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Reged: 12/03/05
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Re: Reloading a double during a charge.
      22/02/06 03:00 PM

Perhaps you can look at ejectors as cheap insurance.

I've had fairly extensive training with the 1911 .45
One thing I've been trained to do --given the time-- is to quickly check my chamber without taking the gun *too far* out of the fight. My instructors used to call the chamber check 'a half a second of cheap insurance'
Same goes with 'tactical reloads' where *again, given the time* the gunfighter freshens up the supply of ammunition by quickly swapping out the magazine with a full one before the gun is run dry, pocketing the partially full magazine for later use if necessary.


Shoot a big freakin animal that might have the chance to reduce you to a grease spot in the dirt or rip your throat out with a swat of one of it's undamaged paws, once mabye twice, and have time to do a quick reload? That second or two flipping a couple of pieces of brass out of your chambers might be enough to cost you your life, might not.
To some, those well tuned and maintained ejectors might just be a good form of cheap insurance.

Back when that pinfire double rifle with the bayonet lug pictured above was made, there weren't on-board extractors on the rifle. The bayonet was the 'cheap insurance' policy installed at the factory...


--Self-Appointed Colonel, DRSS--

"It IS a dangerous game, and so named for a reason, and you can't play from the keyboard. " --Some Old Texan...

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* Good idea. BlainSmipy 16/02/06 04:53 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. BlainSmipy   23/02/06 06:32 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. JPK   23/02/06 06:45 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. bulldog563   23/02/06 02:46 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. nopride2   19/02/06 01:58 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. 4seventy   16/02/06 02:16 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. NE450No2   16/02/06 05:03 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. BlainSmipy   19/02/06 01:45 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. 500Nitro   19/02/06 10:22 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. Grizzly   19/02/06 11:07 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. banzaibird   19/02/06 12:25 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. Marrakai   19/02/06 09:40 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. BlainSmipy   19/02/06 12:00 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. 500grains   19/02/06 01:33 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. BlainSmipy   20/02/06 06:35 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. 500Nitro   20/02/06 07:06 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. tinker   20/02/06 07:13 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. Grizzly   20/02/06 09:50 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. DDouble   22/02/06 01:20 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. BlainSmipy   22/02/06 02:24 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. 4seventy   22/02/06 09:58 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. bulldog563   22/02/06 11:55 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. BlainSmipy   23/02/06 01:53 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. JPK   23/02/06 04:03 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. NE450No2   23/02/06 05:16 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. NitroXAdministrator   23/02/06 04:00 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. tinker   22/02/06 03:00 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. NE450No2   22/02/06 02:59 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. bulldog563   18/02/06 09:08 PM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. clark7781   16/02/06 07:52 AM
. * * Re: Reloading a double during a charge. 500grains   16/02/06 06:59 AM

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