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Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras
      11/02/06 02:42 AM

I liked the pictures and the info was I suppose useful; BUT thats an awful lot to ask for a book that is only half readable. They suckered me into buying it becasue I kept seeing the ad. OK, thats my fault; but where in the add does it mention that half of the book is Spanish! They give details about the size and contents; but I guess it just slipped there minds that its a tranlation, and a bad one at that.

I bought it thinking this might be a compliment to Boddington's Safari Rifles, and provide good info! Face it, for us 'working types' thats alot less ammo I can afford. I liked it enough not to hassle with sending it back; but it's a $50 book not $130.oo. Mark Sullivan's Death and Double Rifles was more informative and only $70!

DGJ could atleast be honest about what they are selling.

If it's not custom, it's just borrowed

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* "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras Ron_Vella 16/06/05 11:03 AM
. * * Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras EDELWEISS   11/02/06 02:42 AM
. * * Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras NitroXAdministrator   14/02/06 04:36 AM
. * * Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras armbar   16/06/05 11:15 AM
. * * Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras Ron_Vella   17/06/05 06:59 AM
. * * Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras NitroXAdministrator   06/02/06 02:45 PM
. * * Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras Raff   07/02/06 02:50 AM
. * * Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras A10ACN   08/02/06 09:43 AM
. * * Re: "The Express Rifle" by Saul Braceras Chasseur   06/02/06 02:53 PM

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