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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

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Re: Some food for thought, maybe?
      24/10/05 08:20 AM

Who makes that double and is there any difference in the acuracy?

What about regulation, how is that affected?

I haven't a clue and can't remember but can remeber it was pointed out
to me a long time ago.

As I said, the gun shot.

I think people in general, especially new people on the scene look into these
things too much and forget that the English knew what they were doing when
they made guns and that reputation was everything in the old days.

In addition, people seem to want to make doubles into something they
were never intended to be - high velocity tac holers and most / the majority
of people can't shoot a double offhand to it's potential anyway.

Anyway, just my HO.

500 Nitro

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* Some food for thought, maybe? iwantadouble 24/10/05 02:23 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? 500Nitro   24/10/05 05:16 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? MauserRifle   24/10/05 07:57 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? 500Nitro   24/10/05 08:20 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? iwantadouble   24/10/05 10:16 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? 500Nitro   24/10/05 10:27 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? iwantadouble   24/10/05 11:43 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? 500Nitro   24/10/05 01:35 PM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? iwantadouble   25/10/05 08:34 AM
. * * Physics, geometry, rifling direction, etc. mhb   26/10/05 02:40 AM
. * * Re: Physics, geometry, rifling direction, etc. iwantadouble   26/10/05 04:32 PM
. * * Re: Physics, geometry, rifling direction, etc. DUGABOY1   31/10/05 08:43 AM
. * * Re: Physics, geometry, rifling direction, etc. iwantadouble   31/10/05 02:25 PM
. * * Re: Physics, geometry, rifling direction, etc. Marrakai   31/10/05 02:17 PM
. * * Re: Physics, geometry, rifling direction, etc. iwantadouble   31/10/05 02:42 PM
. * * Re: Physics, geometry, rifling direction, etc. 500grains   31/10/05 02:53 PM
. * * Re: Physics, geometry, rifling direction, etc. DarylS   26/10/05 03:41 AM
. * * For Daryl S: mhb   26/10/05 04:35 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? MauserRifle   24/10/05 08:54 AM
. * * Re: Some food for thought, maybe? tinker   24/10/05 04:03 AM

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