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Re: The Aussie swag in Africa?
      01/04/24 08:44 PM

The Aussie swag.

Once what was the Aussie swag was a canvas covered foam mattress. The foam mattress fitted in at foot and head by a sewn flap or pocket. The canvas maybe two or three times as wide. The canvas could be folded over one for extra warmth or shelter. Or flipped over a rope to form a triangular tent shelter.

When I think of a swag, this is always what I think of.

I have a single and double version of one of these.

I also have a slightly more modern version. More box shaped. A zipped integral mosquito net top. And a canvas flap zipped on top for shelter. An aluminium tube is inserted into the top of the head area. And using rope is tied to create a raised top, Still a quite simple design.

The modern swag user probably has no idea what an original swag is. They are virtually mini tents now. I don't see why people don't use a real tent instead. Much bigger, more room than a swag. Often synthetic material now, not canvas. Way too complicated for my taste. And often can not be used without the full "roof", top all in place. No beautiful open skies sleeping under the stars in a modern "swag". And they are huge!

I much prefer the good old ones. Lying under the stars. Or covered if their are light rains, still very snug and comfortable. The thick foam mattress is what adds to the bulk, but also adds a lot of comfort. One can get used to sleeping in one for months. A mosquito net can be essential, either external or integral. I use my swag on the ground in the open, in a tent, or in outstation type quarters. Can be used on a camp bed too. I used to use a sleeping bag, but find them claustrophobic a bit now. Like lying in a body bag. Do so when needed. I used a single down quilt on top and the unzipped down sleeping bag in my swag. Comfortable. Unfortunately my swag gotbdamp, the quilt mouldy, washing it it dissolved in places. Needs to be replaced. I saw some large rectangular sleeping bags advertised online. If they are what they claim, look like a good replacement.

The Aussie swag was the standard for outback life once, and the real swags still work.

John aka NitroX

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* The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator 16/01/04 02:32 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? Will   19/01/04 02:42 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? gryphon   19/01/04 09:41 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? Bigfive   19/01/04 10:51 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? Bakes   20/01/04 05:03 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   20/01/04 07:41 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? SafariHunt   22/01/04 01:20 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   22/01/04 02:52 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   28/01/21 04:10 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   01/04/24 08:44 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? atkinson6   29/01/04 09:14 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? Bigfive   20/01/04 10:27 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? Bakes   21/01/04 12:44 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? shakari   16/01/04 04:17 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? Bakes   16/01/04 11:05 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? Bigfive   17/01/04 12:00 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   17/01/04 06:08 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? Bakes   18/01/04 11:24 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   18/01/04 01:35 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? mickey   17/01/04 02:54 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   02/04/24 12:09 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? DarylS   02/04/24 02:24 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? shakari   17/01/04 04:49 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? gryphon   17/01/04 08:07 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   17/01/04 05:41 PM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? 4seventy   19/01/04 12:04 AM
. * * Re: The Aussie swag in Africa? NitroXAdministrator   17/01/04 05:57 PM

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