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NitroExpress.com: Why the .270 is still better

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Re: Why the .270 is still better
      24/12/23 01:03 PM

Yeah, that .007 difference between 7mm and 270 makes all the difference.

Don't take that wrong. As others have mentioned my first was a 30-30 and a couple years later a Model 70, 270. It was 40+ years before I got a 7 X 64 on a 98. I would happily live the rest of my life with either and never feel at a disadvantage. Funny thing is I don't own a rifle in either cartridge right now. Other favorites are currently in use.

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Subject Posted by Posted on
* Why the .270 is still better NitroXAdministrator 15/08/23 05:34 PM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better NitroXAdministrator   15/08/23 06:10 PM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better coll416   23/12/23 01:06 PM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better Rule303   24/12/23 10:44 AM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better 93x64mm   24/12/23 12:01 PM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better Rule303   24/12/23 10:04 PM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better DarylS   25/12/23 03:10 AM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better sharps4590   24/12/23 01:03 PM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better 93x64mm   24/12/23 08:17 AM
. * * Re: Why the .270 is still better DarylS   24/12/23 10:36 AM

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