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Re: What's with those Berets?
      10/09/23 10:49 PM


A beret is OK for some purposes, and bad for others. Its warmer in cold weather than an Akubra and stays put in the wind. Doesn't snag as you push through scrub. In hot weather it keeps the sun off the bald spot, unfortunately it gives no protection to the ears, neck or face nor does it keep the sun, or rain, out of the eyes.

Note, the common baseball hat doesn't do any better except for keeping the sun off the eyes, the semi-circular cut out at the back becomes a major risk factor for skin cancer (as I found out after having a large one cut off) and the lack of side protection is leading to skin cancers on the ears.

I personally prefer a wide brim hat and one day may even experiment with a pith helmet. But I don't belittle others who make different choices.

I've always wondered what level of skin cancer there is in Australia that may be aggravated by the virtual world conquest by the almost useless American baseball hat. Like a couple of you here some years ago I had some sketchy stuff removed around my temples and the doc told me to wear a broad brimmed hat. Trouble is, our traditional cowboy hats and felt hats generally drove me crazy w/ the leather sweatband doing nothing but creating and channeling sweat to pour over my eyes. When I wear one I fold up a rag and stick it on my forehead inside the hat. It's not ideal.

Then I found French "Indochina" hats online. Bought one, liked it so much I bought another in case they dry up.

Very stout, heavy cotton so they resist tearing in the thorns and brush common around here and being cotton they soak up all the sweat. Hold shape better than the floppy USGI boonie hats. I'm sold on them.

Maybe the best actual pure sun hat I've ever worn is the GI "Pith Helmet" which really isn't, as it is some sort of thin fibre. The actual suspension is rudimentary and not very good and they never fixed it but it does allow air to flow all over the head. VERY cool in high heat. Again tho, requires a rag or something for soaking up sweat at the forehead. And tho I don't think it will become the favorite of many (any) the old GI M1 steel pot LINER actually serves fairly well as a sort of cooling sun hat, as do our common "skullbucket" aluminum hard hats here in logging country!!

I'd like to see Marrakai standing next to a massive buffalo whilst rocking the M1 pot liner. Might become all the rage!!

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* What's with those Berets? mickey 24/11/03 03:40 PM
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. * * Re: What's with those Berets? Marrakai   09/09/23 08:50 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? NitroXAdministrator   09/09/23 09:36 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? NitroXAdministrator   09/09/23 09:44 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? Hunter4752001   10/09/23 09:28 AM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? 9.3x57   10/09/23 10:49 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? NitroXAdministrator   10/09/23 03:24 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? NitroXAdministrator   10/09/23 03:34 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? NitroXAdministrator   10/09/23 03:36 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? Will   24/11/03 04:52 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? mickey   25/11/03 01:33 AM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? NitroXAdministrator   25/11/03 11:00 AM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? mickey   25/11/03 01:01 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? 500Nitro   28/11/03 06:08 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? mickey   29/11/03 04:45 AM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? DUGABOY1   30/11/03 04:19 AM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? NitroXAdministrator   01/12/03 09:38 PM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? mickey   02/12/03 01:53 AM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? mickey   30/11/03 09:39 AM
. * * Re: What's with those Berets? mikeh416Rigby   24/11/03 04:40 PM

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