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Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!!
      09/09/23 01:14 AM


The 6.5x54 M-S and 6.5x53R in Steyr and M-S rifles usually make fine rifles. But the often heavier for calibre bullets at 160 grs and round nose shape often limit the cartridge, especially at longer ranges. And also if in some rifles good feeding from the magazines require it.

The 6.5x55 on the other hand works wonderfully with 140 gr spitzers. Also 120 gr or heavier bullets. At velocities allowing longer ranges.

I find these super expensive 6.5 Creedmoor "sniper" rifles funny. $6000, $8000 for a very ugly plastic and aluminium precision rifle. But alleged to have wonderful accuracy.

My M38 1896 military actioned 6.5x55, even when in its cut back wooden military stock, using "military"/target ball ammo, approx 140 grs shot tiny one hole groups. It's now has a cheap black plastic sporting stock. And shoots pretty much the same. One day I need to get the military two stage trigger replaced as it is way too heavy. Imah0gine the groups with a finecset trigger?

Oops cost me $100 ... maybe $180 ... plus the cheap plastic stock.

John: We are aficionados of the 6.5x55.

I might be wrong but I think around here the supposed belief in the mythical and mystical miracle of the Hyper-Long Range slaying power of the 6.5 Creedmoor has subsided somewhat.

It is by all counts a fantastic target round, deer slayer and OK elk killer at reasonable distances, but sadly we went thru (I hope it's over) a bizarre period of Creedmoor worship I've never seen associated with any other round.

I've a theory about it, that is to say that preceding this attribution all the rage was heavy high velocity magnums, the Westerners and WSM's and a plethora of others that mated really impressive velocities with also impressive recoil. Over time I think folks (privately or publicly) came to realize the long range potential of many of these rounds in the hands of the average guy was diminished by the ability to hold the things steady while touching off a round intended to hit a small mark on an animal. You can't make use of superior long range performance when your eyes are jammed shut in anticipation of vicious kick or ear-splitting muzzle blast, or both.

Enter the 6.5 Creedmoor and praise from the long range target shooting fraternity and the conversion of many was guaranteed.

Anyway, I keep my shots to under 300 and have never indulged in super long range shooting of game. I own a 1000 meter range and that's partly why. Field reports of lost game ("I missed"...did you actually?) have always reinforced my policy.

Just my long-winded $.02...

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* A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! Waidmannsheil 07/09/23 08:00 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! NitroXAdministrator   07/09/23 03:36 PM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! Waidmannsheil   08/09/23 11:00 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! NitroXAdministrator   08/09/23 03:26 PM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! Waidmannsheil   08/09/23 04:22 PM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! NitroXAdministrator   08/09/23 06:48 PM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! 9.3x57   09/09/23 01:14 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! DarylS   09/09/23 02:23 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! 9.3x57   08/09/23 11:56 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! lancaster   08/09/23 02:07 PM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! 93x64mm   09/09/23 06:36 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! DORLEAC   10/09/23 03:06 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! Ahmed577   10/09/23 03:42 PM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! 9.3x57   08/09/23 11:36 PM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! Huvius   09/09/23 12:54 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! lancaster   08/09/23 04:01 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! 93x64mm   08/09/23 06:23 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! jvw   07/09/23 09:35 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! Bindi2   07/09/23 09:45 AM
. * * Re: A Purdey Bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore, especially for John!! lancaster   07/09/23 02:34 PM

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