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Hunting >> Hunting in Australia, NZ & the South Pacific

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Re: 20 tips for better hunting results
      22/03/23 05:49 PM

Pretty basic stuff. But good for newbies.

Carry a rifle with an empty chamber?

No I'm not a range shooter, I'm a hunter. I want my rifle ready if an animal suddenly appears in front of me.

I was on a rough walked up pheasant where the host insisted all shotguns be carried broken and then snapped shut force shit when a pheasant broke. Excessive risk adverse fuckwittery. Safeties should be used. Good safe gun handling. Repeat offenders, eject from your group. Or ask them specifically to be the ones carrying their gun open. The embarrassment of being singled out may cause attitude adjustment.

Don't close an unclocked bolt on a live round in the chamber. The firing pin will rest on the primer. ???

Is this true? Don't primers rebound! They're not loose sliding around and even protruding resting on a primer. Or are they? Any particular rifles at fault.

I know an undocked rifle may be capable of discharging, eg thump the rifle down on its butt.

I quite like rifles which can be uncocked. Break open gunscwith hammers. Modern double rifles like the Krieghof have decockers rather than safeties. My Mauser M03 also has a decocker rather than a safety.

The wind stuff is basic but useful for newbies.

The scent masking? Dogs can determine different scents from a "cocktail" of scents. I think a lot of animals can smell human scent irrespective of soap use or not. The use of soaps etc comes mainly from a humans scent ability eg scenting a Vietnamese diet sweating from human skins in the jungles of Vietnam. Same as scenting humans in the Guerilla wars of Africa. Special forces often will avoid soaps, and other stong scents which other humans might pick up.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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* 20 tips for better hunting results NitroXAdministrator 21/03/23 06:55 PM
. * * Re: 20 tips for better hunting results NitroXAdministrator   21/03/23 06:56 PM
. * * Re: 20 tips for better hunting results DarylS   22/03/23 03:17 AM
. * * Re: 20 tips for better hunting results 85lc   24/03/23 05:12 AM
. * * Re: 20 tips for better hunting results DarylS   24/03/23 06:22 AM
. * * Re: 20 tips for better hunting results 3DogMike   25/03/23 01:47 PM
. * * Re: 20 tips for better hunting results DarylS   26/03/23 03:46 AM
. * * Re: 20 tips for better hunting results 3DogMike   26/03/23 05:16 AM
. * * Re: 20 tips for better hunting results NitroXAdministrator   22/03/23 05:49 PM

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