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Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack
      10/09/22 03:36 AM




I am reluctant to except all the hype about improved 9mm ammo making it as good or better then 40 or 45 cal. The advancement in 9mm has also taken place in the other calibres. If going for the 9mm then a proper 1911 is hard to beat. By proper I mean one that is made for soldiers, not targets. I place reliability way above tight tolerances for the range. This is just me.

Don't think, at least those I talk to, that the 9mm is proclaimed to be an "equal" to either of those..However, based on tests I have been part of, with the advancement of bullets in the past 10 years or so, it certainly has increased its lethality and abilities from what it once was.. Our tests showed it had no problem penetrating windshields and inflicting serious damage to those on the other side which I found impressive.

The other factor is the number of shots available before a reload is needed.. NOT to many 45's offering 15 to 20rd mags.. size matters but still does the number available .. In todays world when aggressors are running in multiples.. the high round mags are more desirable. At least with many in the LE community I train with weekly..

No argument about the number of rounds and the improvements with the 9mm. Just that those same improvements have been made or transferred to the other calibres as well. The 9mm is now as good or better than the 40 and 45 of yesterday but are they as good as the 40 and 45 of today?

When it comes to penetration the 9mm was better than the 45 even in WW2. Same or faster velocity smaller frontal area, yes less weight but penetrated better. However, a 9mm may open up to twice it size and so will a 45. Which is going to put a bigger hole in a person- if using the same make/type of projectile? Which will incapacitate a person quicker?

You see I am only looking at the lethality of the round, as some claim it is more leather than the bigger rounds, not the overall suitability. What would I carry for defence against two legged types, the 9mm or possibly a Glock in 40 or 45ACP because of the high round count. What would I carry as back up against four legged critters, a wheel gun in 44 Mag.

There was just an article about that very issue as well.. 10mm vs 44Mag.. lots of convincing info for each side.. With the correct bullets (Buffalo Bore), I'd feel comfortable with a 10 in griz country.. especially those here in MT..not nearly the size of those in AK..

Agree,, all the bullets are better hence making each caliber that same degree better.. How I take it is the new bullets make it at least as good as the others were previous to the advancement in bullet technology.. If all bullets are the same construction there will be a zero-sum gain for each caliber


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* Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Ripp 02/09/22 03:29 PM
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. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack 93x64mm   07/09/22 09:14 PM
. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Ripp   07/09/22 11:28 PM
. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack NitroXAdministrator   08/09/22 05:22 AM
. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Ripp   10/09/22 03:37 AM
. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Ripp   10/09/22 10:22 AM
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. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Ripp   08/09/22 11:14 PM
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. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Ripp   10/09/22 03:36 AM
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. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Ripp   12/09/22 12:34 AM
. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Rule303   12/09/22 07:20 AM
. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Ripp   18/09/22 02:07 AM
. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack Homer   15/01/23 12:17 PM
. * * Re: Springfield Armory..New..1911 Dble Stack DarylS   15/01/23 02:12 PM

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