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NitroExpress.com: Hunting & cooking show in Denmark on Sika deer Nak & Ęd

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Re: Hunting & cooking show in Denmark on Sika deer Nak & Ęd
      09/08/21 06:21 PM

Watched the middle part of the episode this time as well.

Cool, they both have a pipe in the evening. Smoking pipes something not often seen on shows today, Orion from the forums and I had a pipe at our "NE Big Bore Boar Hunt" many years ago. I had a spare he could share. Or he had his own.

I must say, I have used a pipe a few times, but don't get full enjoyment from it. I never or hardly ever seem to get it to light or stay burning properly. Is my tobacco too moist or too dry?! Too tightly packed or not at all?

I like to have a good smoke for an hour or long enough. A pipe seems too short and too much refilling and relighting(?). I will endeavour to perservere however.


They go to a lot of effort for their breakfast. Part of being a cooking show with a chef along. Looks like bacon, onions and apples fried and put into camp made bread sticks/curls with butter.

What is that yellow stuff they drink in the evening? Is i beer?

Of course the Scandinavians are always drinking coffee! No sausages grilled on a long extendable fork or stout tree stick in this show however.


This time see the Royal Coach as the hunting transport! Ha ha. Drawn by two horses in fancy gear. When one hunts with a Prince.

Traditionally a farm cart was often used to transport hunters. I remember an old hunting encyclopaedia showing a hunting technique of the farm cart travelling on the track with the hunters jumping off quickly behind a bush and the cart continuing on. The deer or game, accustomed to farm carts and horses, watch but are not unduly alarmed. The hunters hidden when alighting, behind bushes or trees, can then approach closer for the shot. Wnderful old stuff.


Complicated rifle rest. I think it is too inflexible and probably best t down a shooting lane type situation.

A tripod allows more sideways movement when the game pops out in an unexpected direction.


For Blaster lovers, Prince Frederik appears to be carrying a Blaster.


Again amazed AFTER shooting the stag, BEFORE checking on it, they stop, sit down and eat cake!

I understand it is cooler there and eat and flies less a problem. But are they doing this to let it bleed out? No idea?


As Leif said Frederik gets straight into the gutting/galloching of the stag. A real hunter.

Funny watching the video, he looks amused sometimes by the two guys.


I think I need some little flags for my camps.

An Aussie Flag. Of course. Red or Blue Ensign though?

A Nitro Express flag. What design should that be? A topic for a new thread.

And maybe a Society of Gentleman Adventurers Black Flag. A rakish skull with eye patch and crossed rifles, a double rifle and a Farquharson.


Good to see when they got back from foraging for mushrooms, that the stag was not still lying on the gorund, but had been hung, skinned, and bagged.


The cooking.

One dish looks like liver cubes, mushrooms, carrots and cream. Some greens added to it. Is it a form of cabbage? I don't know. More mushrooms fried and added at the end.

Fried in butter venison cutlets. Flambued with brandy.

Boiled potatoes. Looks like cooked with butter after when served.

Something is cooking in another pan? The venison fillet sliced I think. It maybe with onions and more mushrooms. I am not sure. Looking from the served plate.

The large stone comes in handy as the altar piece to hold the little stag model on.


Enjoyed the show more the second viewing. Was ready for all the faffing.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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* Hunting & cooking show in Denmark on Sika deer Nak & Ęd NitroXAdministrator 05/07/21 08:08 PM
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