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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

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Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun.
      13/05/21 06:01 PM

Re: Triggers on Double Guns.

Rear Trigger on a double triggererd double gun - whether its a rifle or a shotgun generally has a heavier pull weight than the front. Firstly for reasons of safety - you do not want the second being discharged by the recoil of the first. But more importantly gives you more control on the second shot - most second shots are much more dynamic. It's a faster follow up shot on the duck that barreling skywards, or on a double rifle, its the follow up on a fast disappearing buffalo. Adrenalin is up, trigger finger is moving fast back onto the trigger, so a bit of extra weight helps you to control things.

Given the way the doubles need to be shot - ie firmly held and squeezed in, a bit of weight on the front trigger I find really helps the whole process. On my Hambrusch I do have a push forward set trigger that is very light. When set I find it difficult to shoot accurately as you are trying to counterbalance a firm hold on the rifle with a delicate touch on the set trigger. Unset - breath in and as the sites align, squeeze both hands and think the bullet into the target and breath out on the follow through.

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* My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. buckstix 21/04/21 01:06 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. NitroXAdministrator   30/04/21 09:05 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. buckstix   12/05/21 09:23 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. HeymSR20   13/05/21 06:01 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. buckstix   25/05/21 09:04 AM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. tinker   21/04/21 01:08 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. lancaster   21/04/21 01:40 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. DarylS   21/04/21 02:11 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. NitroXAdministrator   21/04/21 03:56 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. 93x64mm   21/04/21 08:54 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. buckstix   21/04/21 09:35 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. NitroXAdministrator   22/04/21 02:11 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. mauserand9mm   23/04/21 08:36 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. buckstix   24/04/21 11:20 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. mauserand9mm   25/04/21 07:26 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. buckstix   25/04/21 11:10 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. mauserand9mm   30/04/21 08:09 PM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. crshelton   26/04/21 03:09 AM
. * * Re: My first Merkel Double Rifle - 470 NE - this is a great gun. EDELWEISS   21/04/21 09:24 PM

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