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Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist?
      30/12/20 12:33 PM

First, thanks for the replies. Now I mentioned Ghost only because it actually shows a Howdah. I dont know any other movie with a Howdah.

As far as saddle scabbards for horse pistols, Im pretty sure that phased out by the 1830s as the PRIMARY way to carry a pistol. There were belt holsters for the Colt Walker which is as large or maybe larger (lengthwise) than some Howdahs (likewise for the Colt Dragoons).

Yep the lanyard ring is a serious defining point for (me at least) on real Howdahs....BUT... a lanyard could just as easily mean it was attached to the owner rather than the basket. Ive ridden on an elephant (although NOT in India and NOT while hunting). Even the calm gentle swaying of my ride did not impress me as a spot where Id want to reach for a pistol under the stress of a Tiger climbing up to discuss a meal. Personally Id much prefer something on my person. Im also imagining being tossed (or falling) from the basket and realizing my pistol is on a hook up in the basket of the elephant running away.

Im a cop (or was until recently), I carried a gun on my hip since Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal. A standard belt holster is OK for a 5" auto; but an almost horizontal crossdraw (driving holster) carries a 6+ inch revolver much more comfortably. I drove from PA to San Antonio TX wearing a 7.5" Freedom Arms 454C and hardly noticed itwhile sitting or walking during pit stops AND the crossdraw meant I could draw it while seated for the "xcuse me whilst I whips this out" moments (that thankfully never occurred).

Now none of that matters since I wasnt hunting Tigers in 19th century India and didnt have the benefit of looking back in history from a 21st century POV. However I have carried a Walker in a 19th century flap holster and getting in and out of a car was an experience not well planned. I cannot imagine how Id ever draw it.

Returning to the lanyard, if the pistol was worn like a modern One Point sling and stuck in my belt, that might be a working possibility. As for the idea of no holsters existing because of the fade of time, Id suggest that we have examples of leather goods from prior to the Civil War. Further Id expect that a fine Howdah owned by a wealthy gentleman would not be taken care of and likewise the holster--IF it existed. Im just finding hard to believe none actually did exist even if they were the saddle/pommel type BUT what do I know???

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* Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? EDELWEISS 29/12/20 12:53 PM
. * * Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? DarylS   29/12/20 01:19 PM
. * * Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? NitroXAdministrator   29/12/20 03:05 PM
. * * Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? NitroXAdministrator   29/12/20 03:06 PM
. * * Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? DarylS   30/12/20 10:21 AM
. * * Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? EDELWEISS   30/12/20 12:33 PM
. * * Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? DarylS   30/12/20 12:52 PM
. * * Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? LGF   04/01/21 04:41 PM
. * * Re: Did Howdah HOLSTERS exist? EDELWEISS   04/01/21 11:56 PM

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