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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Reged: 25/12/02
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Loc: Barossa Valley, South Australi...
Re: discount buffalo hunt?
      08/06/20 01:49 AM

Ask questions. And also ask questions of the references supplied. Often outfitters supply referees who are mates, agents, friends of agents etc.

Find out if the buffalo are free range or fenced. Will depend on the country, if South Africa, usually high fenced. if high fenced, how many and how big the paddock. Often only one or two buffalo or a handfull on the place. BS hunt IMO if that is the case.

I would bother with cape buff in South Africa. A few places there which might be OK, eg is adjoining Kruger.

I would pick Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Caprivi Strip, Tanzania anyday before South Africa.

Much better to have herds of wild hundreds of animals, able to come and go. Than have to look for "that specific animal".

There should be excellent deals going on. IF one can get there, ie is there flights? And can you get into the coutnry? Will you face quarantine on arriving? When you return will there be quarantine or other restrictions?

Not idea of what restrictions Africa is putting in place, so go for it if you can. I would in an instant if I could, no money, and can't even get out of this country. BS restrictions by a ridiculous govt.

I was speaking to an Aussie outfitter and he has clients trying to book with him, and completely not being able to understand that ONE they won't get a VISA. TWO they can't get in the country. THREE flights might not exist. I told him to ask the clients if they had a private Leer jet. FOUR, no one is allowed into the Aboriginal reserves, no entry permits, so the outfitter can't even get in there .... the clients just can't comprehend this. Thick as bricks with too much money IMO.

Of course the restrictions may suddenly disappear and then things might change. Going to be tough to see if happens in 2020 unless the govts admit they are fuckups and fucked it all up with ridiculous restrictions and suddenly cave in. Unlikely govts will admit anything.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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* discount buffalo hunt? ducmarc 08/06/20 12:52 AM
. * * Re: discount buffalo hunt? NitroXAdministrator   08/06/20 01:49 AM
. * * Re: discount buffalo hunt? ducmarc   08/06/20 10:59 AM
. * * Re: discount buffalo hunt? ducmarc   08/06/20 11:17 AM
. * * Re: discount buffalo hunt? ducmarc   08/06/20 11:23 AM
. * * Re: discount buffalo hunt? ducmarc   08/06/20 11:24 AM

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