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Hunting >> Hunting dogs

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Reged: 25/12/02
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      30/05/20 08:52 PM

I was watching a programme on TV or possibly reading an internet site and it was stated, "only two 'animals' understand pointing'. Humans and dogs. I suspect but don't know, that dolphins might as well. Even chimpanzees and other monkeys don't understand if you say point with your finger at something say three metres away to look at that spot. Or search that spot.

Found it amazing but then duh, of course, we even call some dogs pointers. Duh!

I imagine our dog breeds such as GSPs are especially smart on abstract thinking such as pointing. I know border collies used to as well.

So I have lots of fun with Blitzen playing "pointing". They do it so readily and naturally. Not him pointing with his nose. I point at something and he immediately looks there. Now both of us are cheese addicts. Like Wallace and Grommett at the moon, made of cheese. I eat some lovely matured cheddar with a lot of meals. Blitzen of course watches avidly. Usually settling down. As soon as I finish he perks up and sits up. And is very disappointed if he gets no cheese. So I usually reserve several small squares, and toss them a bit widely. He of course sights and smells most of them. However pointing at one hidden furtherer away, he looks at that spot and "Yay, more cheese!" Of course dogs are food and treat motivated and it works quickly. Just some fun.

I now when feeding him, I sometimes just point towards the room and he runs immediately there.

We know pointers will observe another dog pointing and copy the point. And honour the point as well.

The hunting advantages are obvious. Ducks flying overhead, "Ducks!" and point at the sky. I remember genius Siegfried used to scan the sky. Blitzen when younger never did. I wonder if he will do it better now. I am sure his response to my pointing has improved. Food is a great incentive.

I will have to try my old man out on long distance points. Useful if I want an area searched for a retrieve. In the past I have used voice commands and hand signals, but not actual pointing. Perhaps even using a long stick or staff might reinforce the point direction.

I'd particularly like to hear from GSP trainers about any thing relating to this. And tips?

Perhaps a lot of this is obvious to experienced GSP trainers? But we understand their points, but they also understand our points. A bit of fun anyway.

John aka NitroX

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* Pointing NitroXAdministrator 30/05/20 08:52 PM
. * * Re: Pointing NitroXAdministrator   08/02/21 03:41 AM
. * * Re: Pointing Ripp   08/02/21 03:47 AM
. * * Re: Pointing DarylS   08/02/21 08:27 AM
. * * Re: Pointing Ripp   08/02/21 12:59 PM
. * * Re: Pointing DarylS   09/02/21 06:46 AM
. * * Re: Pointing Ripp   10/02/21 03:53 AM

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