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Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets?
      12/10/19 11:57 AM


For our bear, elk and deer, can't think of a better bullet.

As we speak, I'm butchering a deer I shot with a Sauer 9.3x62 yesterday. I've shot bear, deer and elk w/ the Prvi and consider it a fantastic bullet.

Soft core, medium thick jacket.

Opens at even 9.3x57 velocities.

"Let it be known" I like old school lead-core/gilding jacket bullets and really d not like paying a lot of money for bullets. The game I shoot doesn't require them. Period. Wish I shot pix of the deer {110 pound whitetail} from yesterday as it was a shot that with a .270 would have ruined the whole front end...shattered both shoulders and took out half the heart.

Good grief, a 285 grain bullet at typical 9.3x62 velocities is going to make an impression on a lot of game.

Cape buffalo? No, although on a well-placed side shot I bet it would drop the thin fast. I ran a test years ago on fresh steer skulls and the Prvi did pretty well, tho my experience tells me it is a faster-opening bullet than what one wants for dangerous game. I shot a big cow elk with one from a x57 at about 125 yards and from and angle above that placed the shot in line with the vertebrae at the base of the neck between the shoulder blades and back. Of course switched off the elk,. The bullet more or less broke up. Only one I've ever recovered, but that indicated its more or less "softness" which for the game I shoot I prefer. They flatout kill, fast and even at the lower velocities.

Elk? Black bear? Deer?


Never shot a pig but I would't hesitate to use one on one.

Pushes a nice big hole thru the thinner stuff without the really violent wreckage cause by the high-speed smaller hole varieties.

Here's a bear I shot with one some years ago. My bear rifle is a 16" barreled CZ 550 and I use the Prvis there, too.

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* PPU 9.3MM bullets? szihn 13/07/19 10:35 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? szihn   12/10/19 05:30 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? DarylS   12/10/19 06:38 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? szihn   12/10/19 07:52 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? MikeRowe   12/10/19 11:02 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? Viking338   12/10/19 11:17 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? 9.3x57   12/10/19 11:57 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? 9.3x57   12/10/19 11:58 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? szihn   12/10/19 12:38 PM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? 9.3x57   12/10/19 12:42 PM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? Viking338   13/10/19 09:02 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? 9.3x57   13/10/19 09:08 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? szihn   14/10/19 06:44 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? 9.3x57   14/10/19 08:18 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? coll416   16/10/19 06:30 PM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? DarylS   17/10/19 03:22 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? 9.3x57   17/10/19 04:00 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? Iowa_303s   12/10/19 02:59 PM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? DarylS   13/10/19 03:42 AM
. * * Re: PPU 9.3MM bullets? 93x64mm   13/10/19 08:42 AM

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