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Reged: 24/06/07
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Re: 2019 Antelope buck
      25/09/19 07:18 AM

Hi Ripp.
Well I always try to get close but there are times when I have to fire at 200-400 yards. So that's why I carry the range finder. I have done a LOT of long range shooting in the last 1/2 century and I got fairly good at it, but I don't get any thrill from killing game at longer ranges. The farther they are away the less hunting I have to do. So I enjoy sneaking up on them.

But.......... I don't get close shot every time. With a 270 I only need to know the game is 400 or less. So that not too much of a trick.

But I also often hunt with less flat shooting guns, including handguns, so hanging the range finder is just something I do when I get out of the truck.

The one I killed at 20 yards in August was a thrill. I saw the heard at about 1/2 mile and I trotted a few hundred yards in a gully until I was maybe 500 yards away. I saw the direction they were going so I belly crawled over a low ridge and into the next gully. Then I ran about 250 yards more and went back to the ground and slunk up to the brow of the next ridge. I expected them to come out about 100 yards over and I was all set. But the one I got walked up the other side of the ridge and peeked over at only 20 yards from me. So I re-positioned myself a bit,to a new angle and shot from a low prone, to stay behind the brush, which was only about 10" high. I hit the neck because the head and neck were the only thing I could see. Didn't matter however. One bullet and it was over. I used a 1903 Mannlicher in 6.5X54. If I had needed to take a longer shot the range finder may have been nice. 156 grain round nose bullet at only 2233 FPS. Very accurate but not very flat shooting.

Tomorrow I and my wife Anna are going out to try to get 3 more. 2 for her and one more for me. I will possibly carry a scoped rifle if the clouds are thick because my old eyes have problems with irons if I don't have good light. But if the skies are clear I will probably take an iron sighted 9.3X57 or a 300 Savage M99 with a peep sight. But if the skies are dark in the morning I may take one of my 9.3X57s (one has irons only, the other has scope and irons both) or maybe I'll just grab a scoped 308 or scoped 270. We'll see....

Anna is a hunter, but not as much a "gun enthusiast". She likes to keep things simple. She said 4 years ago she wanted a "one gun for everything". So I made her a Mauser in 30-06 with a heavy sporter barrel and zeroed it for 165 grain bullets. There really is not such a thing as "one size fits all rifle" but the 30-06 with 165s is probably as close as we can get. She has 4 other rifles, a shotgun and 10 hand guns, but after I made the 30-06 for her she seldom shoots anything else. Deer, antelope, elk, bear, prairie dogs, coyotes, foxes, skunks ---------- and about anything else except rattle snakes, ---- she grabs her Mauser.

I can't say she is a bit wrong either.

Edited by szihn (25/09/19 07:23 AM)

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* 2019 Antelope buck szihn 21/09/19 03:59 PM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck Rod4861   21/09/19 07:17 PM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck DarylS   22/09/19 02:30 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck Louis   22/09/19 04:13 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck tinker   22/09/19 04:51 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck szihn   23/09/19 12:06 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck szihn   23/09/19 12:10 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck Ripp   24/09/19 10:12 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck DarylS   25/09/19 03:08 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck Rule303   25/09/19 03:31 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck szihn   25/09/19 07:18 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck szihn   25/09/19 07:27 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck Ripp   25/09/19 11:36 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck Ripp   27/09/19 07:39 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck DarylS   28/09/19 02:54 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck szihn   28/09/19 04:09 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck DarylS   28/09/19 04:58 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck Ripp   28/09/19 05:17 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck DarylS   25/09/19 07:39 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck NitroXAdministrator   29/09/19 09:55 PM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck NitroXAdministrator   29/09/19 09:56 PM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck tinker   30/09/19 01:30 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck szihn   06/10/19 06:37 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck Louis   23/09/19 01:09 AM
. * * Re: 2019 Antelope buck NitroXAdministrator   23/09/19 10:51 AM

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