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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Single Shots & Combination Guns

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Reged: 01/04/04
Posts: 87
Loc: Arctic Canada
Re: As good as it gets
      25/05/05 04:48 PM

To say these are garrish or gaudy only demonstrates that you haven't seen or handled one yet! These are just quality, and in other times would bear the names of Jeffrey, Rigby, and most likely Purdey! I've handled all the ones shown extensively and have spent sufficient time in their shop to appreciate the work and standards that go into each firearm. They are 1st level gunmakers, .........hell, both of them have been offered jobs by the best known in the field of gunmaking but prefer to do their own thing.
At present there's 2 of my own rifles in their hands for work, and I have 2 more that they worked on, plus lots I've sent to them for other owners based on the fact that their work is as good as it comes. A good paint job does not make a Rolls, everything has to be perfect!

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Subject Posted by Posted on
* As good as it gets DPhillips 28/04/05 05:09 PM
. * * Re: As good as it gets AdamTayler   08/05/05 02:25 PM
. * * Re: As good as it gets DPhillips   30/04/05 04:11 PM
. * * Re: As good as it gets Marty   01/05/05 12:52 AM
. * * Re: As good as it gets Chasseur   01/05/05 08:42 AM
. * * Re: As good as it gets CptCurlAdministrator   01/05/05 01:10 AM
. * * Re: As good as it gets tunofun   30/04/05 09:22 PM
. * * Re: As good as it gets tunofun   28/04/05 05:35 PM
. * * Re: As good as it gets Stonewall   25/05/05 09:28 AM
. * * Re: As good as it gets AdamTayler   26/05/05 01:23 PM
. * * Re: As good as it gets Arctic   26/05/05 05:36 PM
. * * Re: As good as it gets Arctic   25/05/05 04:48 PM
. * * Re: As good as it gets Plains99   26/05/05 05:15 AM

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