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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Reged: 02/01/03
Posts: 468
Loc: Pretoria RSA
How many of you have seen this before ?
      01/06/03 07:12 PM

How many of you have seen such strange bullet behaviour ? Let me explain Urdubob shot this black wildebeest with his 416 Rigby loaded with 400 hornady bullets at a range of 150 yards. Shown here is the entrance wound.

It was a perfect shot and the bull ran for another 50 yards before dropping but it was almost slapped down by the 416 but the bull kept on his feet on a unbelieveable fashion somehow. The bullet didn't exit but this is what we saw on the other side

The bullet somehow turned around and showed the bottom just coming trough the skin with the mushroom stopping it from going right trough acting as a backstop on the very tough skin of the wildebeest. Urdubob said it was the second time he has seen a bullet do this but it was definetetly my first. The bullet looked like it kept very good weight retention.

"Sleeping under the African sky I can see nothing wrong with this world!"

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* How many of you have seen this before ? SafariHunt 01/06/03 07:12 PM
. * * Re: How many of you have seen this before ? 4seventy   03/06/03 07:03 PM
. * * Re: How many of you have seen this before ? mikeh416Rigby   02/06/03 03:45 AM
. * * Re: How many of you have seen this before ? SafariHunt   03/06/03 08:40 PM
. * * Re: How many of you have seen this before ? Miller   01/06/03 07:37 PM

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