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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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Reged: 25/12/02
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Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game.....
      07/09/17 06:38 PM

The bullets and cartridges I have used on African game.

First safari in 1994 for plains game. .30-06 with 180 gr Nosler Partitions. Terrible performance. They acted as FMJ's and generally just zipped through. I think the bullet lot was too hard and harder than normal. OR the front tip was too fragile and blew up with superficial damage with the rear half zipping through. Probably the last.

Then switched to 200 gr Nosler Semi Pointed, which were available at the time. They worked very well. The head tracker thought it was a different rifle. I had two lots of bullets by chance. Both shot to a similar point of impact.

Second safari. .375 H&H Mag. 300 gr Woodleigh Weldcore Round noses. Worked fine on buffalo and various plains game. Always worked fine except when one time which was my fault. A .375 with a decent bullet should be more than equal for any medium game.

Next trip. For elephant, buffalo and plains game. .450 for elephant. 9.3x74R double rifle and 8x68S for plains game. The 9.3 with 286 gr Woodleigh Weldcore PP's slew a goodly number of warthog without problem. As should be expected. The 8x68S with 200 or 220 gr (I forget) A-frames worked very well on everything. Again, a cartridge and bullet which should be able to handle well any medium species.

One of NE's first members and from South Africa, used a .460 Weatherby Magnum and a .243 for everything.

No reason the 6.5mm's, 7mm's or .30's shouldn't work well with proper shots and decent bullets. Above .30 calibre, why not, if it means less time tracking wounding beasts and days wasted following up for less than perfect placement. The reason I bought a 8x68S was for a good powerful 'magnum' class rifle with good range and able to pack a good punch at the other end. But it would not stop me using a 7x57/.275 Rigby, or a 6.5x54 M-S or 6.5x65mm if I felt like it. Just a little more care needed. Or my .30-06. And all of them have less recoil and are comfortable to shoot.

John aka NitroX

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* Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... Ripp 31/08/17 11:16 PM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... Rule303   03/09/17 04:24 PM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... NitroXAdministrator   04/09/17 04:03 PM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... Ripp   05/09/17 12:43 AM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... 416rigby   05/09/17 01:54 AM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... NitroXAdministrator   07/09/17 06:21 PM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... Ripp   07/09/17 11:29 PM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... 416rigby   08/09/17 04:36 PM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... Rule303   08/09/17 08:04 PM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... NitroXAdministrator   07/09/17 06:38 PM
. * * Re: Bullets-for-african-plains-game..... bwanabobftw   03/09/17 06:15 AM

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