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Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping?
      24/08/17 08:23 AM


In that case I would tip the PH if he does a good job but I would do a $ amount not a daily % amount. I would never afford an African hunt if I did that.

Me neither.

I think the tipping amounts vary a lot between nationalies.

Also giving a lump sum to the PH to handover to staff, I would make sure it is handed over in front of me. My first trip to Africa, in Kenya, a game viewing sfari, the cook who was the head guy was given the staff's tips, and he pocketed it all or nearly all himself. All of us felt bad about this so an extra amount was collected and handed out to the loosing staff. I was not happy about that at all.

I like to give other gifts when possible rather than money. It is not the responsibility of a client to pay the incomes of staff when it should be included in the agreed fees at the beginning. I remember one PH/Outfitter refusing to answer how much he paid his black staff in Tanzania. He always used to recommend on AR HUGE tips on these sorts of topics. Thousands of dollars. Why? Because he was probably paying his staff $1 per day ... not bad when they charge $1000 to $2000 a day to pay their slaves less than $50 per day ...

One reason one Zimbabwe outfitter retired to Australia owning seven houses here ...

All this confusion over people needing to know tipping amounts would be so simple, if it was all included in the set price. I remember one client boasting he gets better animals, better areas etc etc because he gives big tips ...

And the bad looks a client gets if they "under-tip" per inflated expectations wouldn't occur. BTW I usually write off an outfitter with such staff for any future hunts if that occurs. It usually occurs only when an outfitter has mostly American clients, and few Europeans and Australians/NZers. See my earlier comment about differences in nationality on tipping.

I don't mind giving nice gifts or some money to hard working staff who are often quite poor. But for me it is not a replacement of their income they should be paid. It is a personal thing as has been mentioned.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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* Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? crkennedy1 23/08/17 02:40 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Rule303   23/08/17 02:58 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? crkennedy1   23/08/17 03:10 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Rule303   23/08/17 11:45 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? NitroXAdministrator   24/08/17 08:23 AM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Sarg   24/08/17 09:19 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Charls   29/08/17 05:21 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Rell   30/08/17 11:51 AM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Sarg   30/08/17 02:51 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? NitroXAdministrator   04/09/17 04:45 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Sarg   05/09/17 12:40 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? NitroXAdministrator   07/09/17 05:42 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Rell   05/09/17 09:32 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? NitroXAdministrator   07/09/17 05:37 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Postman   24/08/17 12:36 AM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? NitroXAdministrator   23/08/17 07:04 PM
. * * Re: Headed to South Africa for Plains Game... again! Tipping? Rell   23/08/17 07:54 PM

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