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Re: American .323" bullets
      01/12/16 12:28 PM

I agree, we do agree on more than we do not.. Which is a good thing...and I enjoy this discussion..

I will try to respond to your litany of issues as they are brought up..however you need to quit moving the goal posts.. You stated earlier you no longer shoot at distances of 500 meters..that your preferred distance is now much closer..not sure what "much means..but lets go down the line..

The partition was and is a good bullet within its limitations..but times and technology changes thus I prefer to take advantage of those progressions.. also agree that dead is dead..so if the bullet is 60% or 90%..if the animal is dead does it really matter?? depends..on what you are shooting and how soon it gets dead..using your example of cape buffalo or dangerous game--

How many cape buffalo have you shot with a partition to give you the knowledge of how it performs on them? I have shot 3 so far.all with a 400 gr A-Frame out of my .416--and if a bullet was recovered they were still over 90% ..all shot at 80 yards or less..knowing what I know, there is NO way a partition would offer the penetration a A-Frame does on a cape buffalo at those distances..they can't..they are too soft..will it still kill, yes..however especially in regards to DG like cape buffalo.. a few extra seconds can mean the difference of having a great meal at the lodge or taking a heli ride to the nearest hospital..THAT IS HOW THE SWIFT IS BETTER...

On one buff hunt, I shot a bull at about 70-80 yards..the 400gr A-Frame blew through the bull, hit another bull on the other side and ended up killing both with one shot. I was hunting with Nixon who had been guiding for nearly 2 decades at that time..he said he had NEVER seen a soft bullet do that ever in his lifetime..not even a partition..

As to not expanding well at 4-500 meters..that is simply not true.. Have you ever picked up or found an A-Frame on an animal hit at those distances? I have..we were hunting deer in AK two years ago..shooting 300RUMS--all 4 of us..and all using 200 gr factory Rem ammo...they stoned every deer we shot out to and slightly over 600 yards..period..as you said, dead is dead...

The Barnes might retain as much ..but it will not provide the slam to the animal the Swift will do,especially on cape buffalo..have been told as much by more than one PH in Africa..

Again, as to cost, we are talking to 2 different audiences regarding this..Do you think someone who just spent $25-50,000 on a hunt in Africa cares even a little if a bullet cost him an extra $20 or %40. Guessing probably not..for those who want to hunt around home it might be different, but not for me..I know how hard they (Swifts) hit, how good they retain their weight and how accurate they are..so again, I don't care if they cost more, to me they are worth every cent..

Three years ago I used 200 gr A-Frames to take my best elk to date..shot him just shy of 400 yards..he dropped as though he was hit by the hammer of Thor..no bullet found..

Shot a cow elk about 6 yrs ago, using 250 A-Frames out of a 338 RUM..hit her in the chest looking at me..the bullet exited under her anus on the other end..again, pretty sure a partition would NOT have given that type of penetration..

Found an article when I googled it, and ironically FIELD AND STREAM had a little write up on the 3 bullets we are discussing..found their information interesting and similar to what we have both said..


Bullet comparison test:

Another explaining the difference..

This court is adjourned...

Thank you


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* American .323" bullets szihn 29/05/16 01:54 PM
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. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   01/06/16 06:48 AM
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. * * Re: American .323" bullets BillG500   13/10/16 08:55 PM
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. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   15/10/16 03:43 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   16/10/16 01:50 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Waidmannsheil   16/10/16 07:49 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   16/10/16 08:10 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   16/10/16 08:42 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Waidmannsheil   16/10/16 01:13 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   21/10/16 07:16 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets dotchicco   30/11/16 11:05 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   30/11/16 01:31 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   30/11/16 06:36 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Waidmannsheil   30/11/16 09:52 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets dotchicco   30/11/16 10:57 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   01/12/16 12:30 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   01/12/16 01:22 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   01/12/16 02:24 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   01/12/16 02:50 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   01/12/16 05:59 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   01/12/16 12:28 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   01/12/16 03:23 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   02/12/16 11:13 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   02/12/16 12:42 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   02/12/16 01:19 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   02/12/16 02:06 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   03/12/16 02:14 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   03/12/16 04:09 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Ripp   03/12/16 05:55 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   03/12/16 07:21 AM
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. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   22/10/16 03:29 AM
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. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   16/11/16 10:26 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   14/10/16 02:29 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   12/09/16 10:36 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   13/09/16 02:10 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   13/09/16 11:27 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   09/10/16 03:35 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Waidmannsheil   09/10/16 04:15 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   10/10/16 12:57 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   12/10/16 11:43 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   12/10/16 02:48 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   13/10/16 01:56 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   13/10/16 05:21 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Squarebridge   18/07/16 06:12 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   23/07/16 11:06 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   24/07/16 02:25 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets szihn   06/09/16 01:36 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   06/09/16 02:43 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Jim_C   23/07/16 11:54 PM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   01/06/16 01:48 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets Homer   30/05/16 09:31 AM
. * * Re: American .323" bullets DarylS   30/05/16 02:00 PM

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