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Re: Weekend in the woods
      04/09/16 03:51 PM


My father in law stopped by--showed up with his latest acquisition..a full set of officers kitchen wear..dated 1967...gave it to me to use on our hunting exploits..plan to use it in one month when we pack up and head east to hunt antelope (pronghorn)..

I'd like to see more of the "officers kitchen wear". What is in the box, a list of what is 'essential' officers kitchen kit. I assume the box and setup is original?

Neat looking setup in a handy convenient travelling box.

Since seeing some African chop box setups I have always wanted to duplicate a neat setup like that. With dividers and partitions like your officers kit box. One trouble has always been to find a suitable box with lid, big enough inside to fit the stuff with home made wooden dividers and yet small enough outside to fit easily enough in a 4WD loaded with all sorts of other camping gear, in a container strong enough to withstand damage when travelling.

Add another similar box for the actual food "chop box" needs and away one goes. Ideally could be the same box, but unlikely to work and fit kitchen needs for say four people.


Very nice photos of your family outing. Your son looks bigger than past photos. Great to see him having fun with a BB gun. Mother and daughter too. Love the GSP out in the forest and grass paddocks as well.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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* Weekend in the woods Ripp 04/09/16 05:52 AM
. * * Re: Weekend in the woods NitroXAdministrator   04/09/16 03:51 PM
. * * Re: Weekend in the woods Ripp   05/09/16 12:14 PM
. * * Re: Weekend in the woods NitroXAdministrator   06/09/16 05:05 AM
. * * Re: Weekend in the woods gryphon   04/09/16 04:58 PM
. * * Re: Weekend in the woods NitroXAdministrator   06/09/16 05:11 AM
. * * Re: Weekend in the woods DarylS   04/09/16 07:19 AM
. * * Re: Weekend in the woods gryphon   04/09/16 08:10 AM
. * * Re: Weekend in the woods Waidmannsheil   04/09/16 08:23 AM

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