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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

.224 member

Reged: 19/03/05
Posts: 7
Re: How does one become a PH?
      19/03/05 06:34 PM

Thank you for your reply. I havnet been to Africa, my hunting has taken place on most big game in North America. I am privialged enough to have a wonderful family friend that does to Africa every year on safari. Mr Meyers videos all of his hunt- everything from Lion to Elephant and Cape Buffalo. This was something that I really do want to learn about. One thing I know is I never know where life is going to take me, hopefully it will take me to Africa in one form or another soon.


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Subject Posted by Posted on
* How does one become a PH? Hoyt19 19/03/05 05:01 PM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? Hoyt19   19/03/05 06:34 PM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? luv2safari   19/03/05 07:27 PM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? shakari   19/03/05 07:45 PM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? shakari   20/03/05 06:07 AM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? Hoyt19   20/03/05 08:16 AM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? NitroXAdministrator   20/03/05 11:51 AM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? Hoyt19   20/03/05 03:04 PM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? shakari   20/03/05 04:56 PM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? NitroXAdministrator   19/03/05 06:53 PM
. * * Re: How does one become a PH? shakari   19/03/05 06:21 PM

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