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Shooting & Reloading - Mausers, Big Bores and others >> Rifles

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Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle?
      05/04/15 07:44 AM

Hello Daryl,
hello Ripp,

thank you for your comments!

a)@ Daryl: yes, I have a Rem 870 shotgun with the shortest legal allowed barrel of 16", but I have no access to a shooting range which allows me to shoot pump-guns in a hurry like IPSC-style.
Training with semi-auto rifles: no problem
It would be a great gun to start with, but without enough training it is simply not for me.

@ Ripp: are you kidding?
on such occasions I take a handgun with me, of course!
But I do not think that I am a good enough shooter under stress, so I regard it as "back-up", not as my primary weapon.
And as I wrote, the animal might be running away, so I feel much better with a good handling and very short rifle to connect with a running boar at 20 or 30 or even 40 yards! (something I can forget with my handgun in a hurry)

Thank you!

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Subject Posted by Posted on
* Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Rolf 05/04/15 12:15 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? DarylS   05/04/15 06:41 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Ripp   05/04/15 06:59 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Rolf   05/04/15 07:44 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Northman   07/04/15 08:07 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Rolf   07/04/15 09:47 PM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? NitroXAdministrator   07/04/15 10:00 PM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Ripp   07/04/15 11:10 PM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? xausa   08/04/15 01:54 AM
. * * Re: Question: 10.4" barrel length in 308 Win rifle? Northman   07/04/15 11:07 PM

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