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Re: Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim
      08/03/15 07:43 PM


Gee--where are the calls of Racism now by the "great thinking left"???
Weird ...nothing...

Seriously, in today's world can you imagine if the rolls were reversed and it was a white president, albeit as big of a POS as mugabee, and he was taking land from blacks..the world would be in a complete panic..but this barely gets press..none here in the US....


I've been posting a lot on political subkects on the ABC's (Aust) TV network facebook page. Gov't owned and has a vendetta against our current gov't as they are pro Labor and pro Green, pro Carbon tax, pro giving the ABC more billions in funding, pro spending in an unlimited manner and mor ehige deficits, and so many other leftist political leanings. All from a gov't enterprise that is supposed to be unbiased and balanced ....

Now 19 times out of 20, the comments on the ABC fb page you can guess they will take a completely different slant on issues than what most of us would think. It is amazing how two people can see the same comments, and come to completely different opinions.

You are correct above. Some leftists are altruistic and have good intentions. But MOST are driven by class hatred, envy and greed of their fellow man. Driven by hatred of "corporations", white men in Africa who own land, hatred of land owners, hatred of people with wealth .... yet many of these people are actually quite wealthy in our society, often employed with gov't public service salaries above whaty many of us earn in private enterprise. The days of private enterprise paying more than public service are well and truly gone.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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Edited by NitroX (08/03/15 07:51 PM)

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* Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim NitroXAdministrator 02/03/15 12:56 AM
. * * Re: Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim ducmarc   02/03/15 03:34 PM
. * * Re: Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim Well_Well_Well   02/03/15 08:23 PM
. * * Re: Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim Ripp   03/03/15 12:37 AM
. * * Re: Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim NitroXAdministrator   08/03/15 07:43 PM
. * * Re: Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim Deutsche_Vortrekker   09/03/15 11:57 AM
. * * Re: Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim 500Boswell   09/03/15 05:51 PM
. * * Re: Mugabe threatens to takeover "white" safari operators in Zim Rule303   08/03/15 10:01 AM

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