Think you have hit the nail on the head..think the reason the people are shooting at the long ranges and doing what they do is they are selling a "package"..
I went to a school a few months back hosted by one of the groups that does the tv shows..we shot at 400,850 and 975 yards the first and second day..and with their directions and equipment, it really was not that hard to hit the targets at those distances..BUT, this is way different than shooting at game. I agree with you..don't think it is fair or the proper thing to do shooting at animals 1000 yards away..or more..
They are selling, as you stated, the expensive rifle, scope, rangefinder and everything else to JOE BLOW off the street who automatically things all he as to do is buy this stuff and he too can shoot game at 1000 yards. Can say it can help, but it will not make you a great shot or great hunter.
It is not uncommon for people here to shoot elk out to 400 yards..usually closer but some further..the people that live here and are use to the distance dont really think much of it..but the guided hunt clients that come from areas where that distance seems reallllly long, can be quite intimidating..
-------------------- ALL MEN DIE, BUT FEW MEN TRULY LIVE..