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Re: What's a lefty to do?
      13/01/05 12:04 AM

The top opening lever I never even thought about. I have break open shotguns and single shot rifles. Some of them open either way and some open I guess to the left. I believe as a lefty you are always settling for what was available and dealing with what was not, was the norm.

The stocks bend and cheek piece were paramount. So the factories dealt with them before a lefty really had to.

I'm in the office now and can't even recollect any difference in the triggers. At the end of the day when I go home I'll take a much closer look at the trigger assembly to see how they are handled.

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* What's a lefty to do? mart 12/01/05 11:11 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? mart   14/01/05 07:42 PM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? Rusty   13/01/05 01:24 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? foxfire   13/01/05 01:40 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? CptCurlAdministrator   13/01/05 01:57 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? foxfire   13/01/05 03:32 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? CptCurlAdministrator   13/01/05 04:00 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? foxfire   12/01/05 11:21 PM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? CptCurlAdministrator   12/01/05 11:38 PM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? foxfire   13/01/05 12:04 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? bonanza   13/01/05 12:56 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? 500Nitro   13/01/05 12:00 AM
. * * Re: What's a lefty to do? 500Nitro   12/01/05 06:45 PM

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